Allow default methods to override Object's methods
Ricky Clarkson
ricky.clarkson at
Tue Mar 5 15:01:42 PST 2013
Wholehearted agreement here that lambdas are the best thing to happen to
Java in a decade. The associated collection changes could be big too.
On Mar 5, 2013 7:48 PM, "Howard Lovatt" <howard.lovatt at> wrote:
> Thanks for the detailed reply.
> This reply covers both the discussion on overriding Object's methods and
> lambdas implementing abstract classes.
> Since the EG discussed this issue and came to a consensus of the experts
> you are highly likely to have made the best practical decision and in any
> case it is probably too late to change at this stage. The best contribution
> I can make is to explain where I am coming from and suggest that you
> heavily flag the choices made so that other people are aware of the choices
> made. Despite been aware of differences between lambdas I keep hitting them
> and finding that I end up wrapping the lambdas in an object, which is
> inefficient and negates the nice syntax. Therefore examples of best
> practice that avoids wrapping would be useful.
> I am coming from the background of preferring OO languages more than
> functional languages, although I do use a functional language, Mathematica,
> a few times a week. I also have a preference for pure languages that focus
> on one paradigm rather than providing multiple ways of doing the same, e.g.
> although I use C++ I don't really like it.
> In Java we already have different kinds of things, notable primitives and
> objects. With lambdas we are introducing another kind of thing. As I said
> above I don't really like multiple kinds of things and would prefer a
> unification of objects and lambdas. Therefore my preferred option would be
> to unify lambdas and inner classes:
> 1. Introduce a source statement, i.e. "source Java8;" before package, so
> that issues of compatibility are mitigated.
> 2. Allow any method to be defined (and defined and declared in one line)
> using the -> syntax with a name including optional inferring argument and
> return type.
> 3. Make a lambda and an anonymous inner class synonymous for SAMs with a
> no-arg constructor. For all inner classes, named or anonymous, including
> the optimisations like lifting to a static scope. For anonymous inner,
> only, use the lambda method of generating the class and not the normal
> class loader (ditch the $ classes). IE lambda is a short syntax for simple
> inner classes and all inner classes gain some optimisations. Like many
> parts of Java the programmer is recommended not to have side effects at
> creation because the optimisations might reduce the number of created
> objects. Like effectively final make inner classes effectively static and
> eliminate the outer class pointer if unused.
> 4. Allow the implements clause for classes and the extends clause for
> interfaces to list classes without fields and a no-arg constructor as well
> as interfaces. Allow the default method super syntax to apply to classes as
> well as interfaces multiply inherited.
> 5. Make interface synonymous with an abstract class that has public
> members only and a compiler supplied no-arg constructor. Drop the
> requirement for abstract classes to list methods as abstract (they just
> don't have a body) and don't introduce the default keyword for interface
> methods with bodies.
> I want to emphasise that I think you have probably made the best decision
> for a broad cross section of people, even if that is not the best decision
> for me, because you have a consensus of experts. Also I don't think your
> choice is bad or anything like that, just different than mine. Also I think
> that lambdas are the best thing that has happened to Java in a decade -
> congratulations.
> Thanks again for the reply,
> -- Howard.
> Sent from my iPad
> On 04/03/2013, at 9:42 AM, Brian Goetz <brian.goetz at> wrote:
> >> However a couple of times I have wanted to override Object's methods,
> i.e.
> >> toString, equals, and hashCode. For example in a toy stream library I am
> >> playing with:
> >>
> >> ...
> >>
> >> Do you think the above is a genuine example or an outlying case?
> >
> > The topic of whether default methods should be allowed to override
> Object methods was one that was discussed extensively in the EG. While I
> can definitely sympathize with the desire for things to work this way,
> really what this boils down to is "I want default methods to be more like
> traits than they are." And again, I can sympathize with that -- traits are
> useful. (If we were designing Java from scratch today, we would have
> certainly come to something different than the current JDK 8 design --
> historical constraints do matter.) But I believe the outcome, if we went
> this way, would be worse.
> >
> > When evaluating a language feature, you need to examine both the cost
> and the benefit side of the proposal.
> >
> > Benefit: how would having this feature enable me to write code that is
> better than what I can write today.
> >
> > Cost: how would having this feature enable other people to write WORSE
> code than they might write today.
> >
> > Most people, when proposing a language feature, focus exclusively on the
> former, but in reality, the second is often more important. As an example,
> take as a proposed language feature "allow direct access to raw object
> pointers." Clever people can come up with endless examples of what they
> could do with raw pointers, whether to improve performance or to simplify
> the writing of frameworks and libraries. But, it should be obvious that
> allowing raw access to pointers would also do a tremendous amount of
> damage; programs would be less reliable, less secure, and for most programs
> (those not written by performance experts) less performant (because giving
> users access to raw pointers cripples many optimizations the VM could
> otherwise make.)
> >
> >
> > So, with that preamble, why did we decide to do it the way we did?
> >
> > 1. Secondary scope. The key goal of adding default methods to Java was
> "interface evolution", not "poor man's traits." It is a significant
> dividend that they enabled many forms of trait-like behavior, and we were
> careful to support this where the costs were within bounds, but this
> proposed behavior was certainly not at all within the scope of "interface
> evolution." So it is strictly a "nice to have" if we can get it cheaply
> enough, not a goal.
> >
> > 2. Adds complexity. Supporting this behavior had the cost of making
> the inheritance model more complicated. This is definitely a negative;
> there is already a lot of fear that "multiple inheritance" (as if Java
> didn't already have multiple inheritance (of types) from day 1) will make
> Java a lot more complicated. A great deal of effort went into coming up
> with the simplest possible rules for how implementation inheritance will
> work, which are:
> >
> > Rule #1: Classes win over interfaces. If a class in the superclass
> chain has a declaration for the method (concrete or abstract), you're done,
> and defaults are irrelevant.
> >
> > Rule #2: More specific interfaces win over less specific ones (where
> specificity means "subtyping"). A default from List wins over a default
> from Collection, regardless of where or how or how many times List and
> Collection enter the inheritance graph.
> >
> > Rule #3: There's no Rule #3. If there is not a unique winner according
> to the above rules, concrete classes must disambiguate manually.
> >
> > Allowing defaults to override Object methods would interfere with the
> simplicity of "Class wins". And the obvious adjustments ("Class wins
> except Object") run into subtle complexities when you follow them through,
> which require further adjustments, the result being that this adds
> complexity to the inheritance model. This did not seem like the best way
> to spend our limited complexity budget.
> >
> > 3. Really only makes sense in toy examples. When designing default
> methods, I talked to a number of folks like yourself who asked for this
> feature. And I asked them to give me an example. Invariably, the example
> was a type like List. And invariably, after some digging, it would become
> clear that this feature only makes sense in situations where the type in
> question was exclusively single-inherited. Giving people a feature that is
> essentially multiple inheritance of behavior, but which breaks if you
> actually *use* multiple inheritance, does not seem smart.
> >
> > At root, the methods from Object -- such as toString, equals, and
> hashCode -- are all about the object's *state*. But interfaces do not have
> state; classes have state. These methods belong with the code that owns
> the object's state -- the class.
> >
> > Further, it is even harder to ensure compliance with the contracts of
> equals and hashCode when they are provided in an interface. The common
> equals/hashCode pitfalls outlined in Effective Java become even more likely
> to bite you if you try to do this -- as if this wasn't already hard enough.
> >
> > 4. It's brittle. Methods like equals are really fundamental; you don't
> want a classes equals() behavior changing out from under you when a library
> is rev'ed and someone adds an equals() implementation to some interface
> that you indirectly inherit from nine levels away. But this is exactly
> what would happen if someone added an equals() method to an existing
> interface, if its subtypes didn't provide their own equals().
> >
> > The decision about equals/hashCode behavior is so fundamental that it
> should belong to the writer of the class, at the time the class is first
> written, and changes to the supertype hierarchy should not change that
> decision. If defaults were inherited in this way, it would totally push us
> in the wrong direction here.
> >
> >
> > So, bottom line -- this seems like an "obvious" feature at first, but
> when you start digging, the result is that it makes the language more
> complicated, invites lots of new corner cases, and doesn't really work all
> that well outside of the "obvious" examples.
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