Binary operator in reduce for parallel and unordered streams

Georgiy Rakov georgiy.rakov at
Fri Mar 22 11:17:08 PDT 2013


let's consider following Stream method:

    T reduce(T identity, BinaryOperator<T> reducer)

According to some intuition I see that following constraints should be 
imposed on reducer depending on the stream type:

- if stream is parallel provided encounter ordered is determined reducer 
must be /associative /(but /commutative /property is not required), 
otherwise the result, say, is not guaranteed to be deterministic; i.e. 
for any a, b and c check must always be true:

    T r1 = reducer.apply(reducer.apply(a, b), c);

    T r2 = reducer.apply(a, reducer.apply(b, c));
    boolean check = r1.equals(r2);

- if stream is unordered (encounter ordered isn't determined) reducer 
must be both /associative /and /commutative, /otherwise the result, say, 
is not guaranteed to be deterministic; i.e. for any a, b and c check 
must always be true:

    T r1 = reducer.apply(reducer.apply(a, b), c);

    T r2 = reducer.apply(a, reducer.apply(b, c));
    boolean check1 = r1.equals(r2);

and for any a and b check must always be true:

    T r1 = reducer.apply(a, b);

    T r2 = reducer.apply(b, a);
    boolean check = r1.equals(r2);

- for sequential stream reducer is required to have no constraints, i.e. 
result will be deterministic in any way (including that neither 
associative nor commutative property is required);

I wonder whether this intuition is right and if it is whether spec will 
specify such constraints.

BTW this intuition now contradicts in some way with spec which says that 
reducing function must always be _*/associative/*_/:/

    /////////Perform a /reduction/ on the elements of this stream using
    the provided identity value and an _*associative *_reducing
    function, and return the reduced value/////////

Please provide your comments.


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