Regression in JDK8 build 78: javac complains about missing Class#isAnnotationPresent

Joseph Darcy joe.darcy at
Fri Mar 22 16:27:35 PDT 2013

Hi Uwe,

Glad to know the change resolved the issue as expected; thanks for the 


On 3/22/2013 4:14 PM, Uwe Schindler wrote:
> Hi Joe, hi Jonathan,
> I installed JDK 8 b82 on our Jenkins machine, the Lucene source code compiles again (and still does after reverting the temporary change "isAnnotationPresent() -> getAnnotation() != null" in our code base).
> Thanks for fixing,
> Uwe
> -----
> Uwe Schindler
> uschindler at
> Apache Lucene PMC Member / Committer
> Bremen, Germany
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Jonathan Gibbons [mailto:jonathan.gibbons at]
>> Sent: Friday, March 01, 2013 1:04 AM
>> To: Uwe Schindler
>> Cc: 'Maurizio Cimadamore'; compiler-dev at; lambda-
>> dev at; Robert Muir
>> Subject: Re: Regression in JDK8 build 78: javac complains about missing
>> Class#isAnnotationPresent
>> Uwe,
>> I think you have a good point here.
>> This is not so much a compiler issue as a compatibility issue regarding changes
>> to an API.
>> The problem in this case is that the impl of a method was *moved* to being a
>> default method on an interface.  A safer, more compatible solution would
>> have been to have added the method to the interface but not delete it from
>> its original location.
>> -- Jon
>> On 02/28/2013 02:36 PM, Uwe Schindler wrote:
>>> Thanks Maurizio,
>>> that’s true, somebody added the –Xlint:-options tot he ANT build file.
>>> This is still no answer to the source of the problem, making again a new
>> Oracle Java version unusable to compile millions of open source projects
>> (Lucene is just an example) – this status quo seems to repeat on every new
>> major version. Last time it was the serious Hotspot bug corrumpting loops in
>> Java7 GA. Every public Java project has somewhere in their build file “-target
>> 1.6 -source 1.6” (or another older version), because otherwise you cannot
>> run the generated class files with older Java versions. Compiling with a
>> custom bootclasspath is a good idea to *validate* that your code actually is
>> compliant. But if you need to use the bootclasspath, you need to have the
>> older JDK version installed - in that case you could compile with it, too.
>>> The intention here is to just “test” the class files with newer JDK versions
>> which is now impossible, without hacking the whole build in an incompatible
>> way. If this is not fixed, we will suggest to users, not to upgrade to JDK8 once
>> it is out – because we cannot test the class files with JDK 8 (and we have
>> already seen lots of hotspot issues making Apache Lucene crash/fail). The
>> same procedure as every year – ahm Java version.
>>> Of course to produce Java 6 class file format, one could use only “-target
>> 1.6” and don’t pass “-source 1.6” (so let it default to 1.8), but this does not
>> help if you build your project with Apache Ant (maybe doesn’t help with
>> Maven, too):
>>>      [javac] Compiling 113 source files to C:\Users\Uwe
>>> Schindler\Projects\lucene\trunk-lusolr3\lucene\build\test-framework\cl
>>> asses\java
>>>       [javac]
>>>       [javac]           WARNING
>>>       [javac]
>>>       [javac] The -source switch defaults to 1.8 in JDK 1.8.
>>>       [javac] If you specify -target 1.6 you now must also specify -source 1.6.
>>>       [javac] Ant will implicitly add -source 1.6 for you.  Please change your
>> build file.
>>> So you no longer have the chance to produce javac 1.6 compliant class files
>> without bootclasspath (using common build tools like Apache ANT). This
>> makes JDK8 unusable.
>>> Sorry for complaining,
>>> But that’s a major regression!
>>> Uwe
>>> -----
>>> Uwe Schindler
>>> uschindler at
>>> Apache Lucene PMC Member / Committer
>>> Bremen, Germany
>>> From: Maurizio Cimadamore [mailto:maurizio.cimadamore at]
>>> Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2013 11:15 PM
>>> To: Uwe Schindler
>>> Cc: 'Joe Darcy'; lambda-dev at;
>>> compiler-dev at
>>> Subject: Re: Regression in JDK8 build 78: javac complains about
>>> missing Class#isAnnotationPresent
>>> On 28/02/13 21:31, Uwe Schindler wrote:
>>> I know about this warning and it generally appears on Java 7, but it was
>> *not* printed out in that case (8b78)! The log I posted was the complete
>> printout from javac.
>>> This warning is a Xlint warning - so it's possible that you are compiling the
>> project with a custom set of Xlint warnings that doesn't include this category
>> (called 'options').
>>> Maurizio

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