RFR : 8013712 : (XS) Add Objects.nonNull and Objects.isNull

Mike Duigou mike.duigou at oracle.com
Sat May 4 11:50:18 PDT 2013

On May 4 2013, at 08:09 , Ulf Zibis wrote:

> Am 04.05.2013 04:28, schrieb Mike Duigou:
>> I have updated the webrev to include incorporate the feedback I have received.
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mduigou/JDK-8013712/1/webrev/
>> Regarding the naming of the "nonNull" method. I originally added this method in 2011 but I've forgotten since then why it has the name it does. As best as I can determine the name is either derived from the the name used by Guava for the same predicate, "notNull", or the names derives from the name "requireNonNull" in that this method doesn't require that the reference be non-null. The EG hasn't been concerned that this method doesn't use the "is" prefix.
> Do we need nonNull/isNotNull() at all, as it's always !isNull()?

It's more convenient to refer to the method Objects::nonNull than it is to have to use ((Predicate<T>)Objects::isNull).negate()

Remember, we don't expect to see direct invocation of these methods, instead they will more commonly be used as predicates via method references.


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