hg: lambda/lambda/langtools: 8014023: When a method reference to a local class constructor is contained in a method whose number of parameters matches the number of constructor parameters compilation fails; ...

robert.field at oracle.com robert.field at oracle.com
Mon May 6 19:44:49 PDT 2013

Changeset: 359154b3ee66
Author:    rfield
Date:      2013-05-06 19:44 -0700
URL:       http://hg.openjdk.java.net/lambda/lambda/langtools/rev/359154b3ee66

8014023: When a method reference to a local class constructor is contained in a method whose number of parameters matches the number of constructor parameters compilation fails
8011591: (sync with TL) BootstrapMethodError when capturing constructor ref to local classes

! src/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/comp/LambdaToMethod.java

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