Array constructor references for multidimensional array
bitterfoxc at
Tue May 7 21:09:30 PDT 2013
Array constructor references had been supported by [1].
I have a question about multidimensional array constructor references.
In my example, I use a two dimensional array of int, but other
multidimensional arrays have a same problem.
We can write references for the one argument constructor of int[][]("new
int[x][]") by the change of [1]:
interface F1
int[][] f(int a);
F1 f1 = int[][]::new;
f1.f(5); // means "new int[5][]"
We have another form of the array creation("new int[x][y]"), however the
compiler rejects references for it.
interface F2
int[][] f(int a, int b);
F2 f2 = int[][]::new; // error
f2.f(5, 7);
Is this the expected behavior?
I think it would be accepted because we can consider them as a two argument
constructor and it should treat them like a constructor of other type which
is not array.
Is this already discussed?
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