inconsistent naming of Stream.sorted()?

Gernot Neppert mcnepp02 at
Thu May 23 09:22:02 PDT 2013

Am 23.05.2013 17:02, schrieb Brian Goetz:
> Sort of :)

Nice ;-)

> "sorted" is an adjective as well: "This list is sorted".  This is a
> slightly different statement than "this list has been sorted", where
> sorted is used as a past participle.
 > The intent of this naming choice was that the method would produce a
 > stream that has the property of being sorted.

Well, grammatically, every past participle can be used as an adjective, 
so one could still argue that a method "filtered" would fall into the 
same category as "sorted", producing a Stream that has the property of 
being "filtered".
But I can see that every possible decision will propably look arbitrary 
to somebody, so it's not a big deal.

Thanks for explaining it, though!

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