Stateless traits & default interface methods question

Keith McGuigan kmcguigan at
Wed Nov 13 09:14:52 PST 2013

The decision is made a class load time, so you would get the t1
implementation (assume a VM restart happened in between and C was reloaded,
of course).

- Keith

On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 8:49 AM, Matthew Adams <matthew at>wrote:

> _Note: This may be a FAQ.  RTFMs are fine._
> I have a question about default interface methods, thinking in terms of
> stateless traits.
> Assume at time t0 I define an interface I with a given default method
> implementation and class C implements I.  Later, at time t1, I modify the
> implementations of I's default methods _without_ recompiling C.  The next
> time that I execute a method on C that came from a default method on I, do
> I get I's implementation as it was at t0 or t1?
> In other words, are default method implementations woven into classes at
> compile time, do classes delegate to the interface's default method
> implementation at runtime, or is it via some other mechanism?
> -matthew
> --
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