Overload resolution regression

Vicente-Arturo Romero-Zaldivar vicente.romero at oracle.com
Tue Nov 19 09:16:01 PST 2013

On 19/11/13 16:43, Jonathan Ross wrote:
> Or a pickMe(String) for that matter?
> Thanks for the explanation, Remi.  Indeed, we were just using the
> coincidence of the Object fallback; it seems to predominantly affect our
> test fixtures - I hope, at least.  The nasty thing about it is that it
> leads to a runtime exception rather than a compilation error, so we may not
> find out for certain for a while.

Hi Jonathan,

There is an undocumented, unsupported, test only, etc, compiler option 
that can be helpful to analyze what method resolution is doing:


it's verbose, very verbose, but it can give you a "static" method 
resolution analysis,

for example for the code you reported:

javac -XDverboseResolution=success,failure,applicable 

OverloadingRegression.java:10: Note: resolving method pickMe in type 
OverloadingRegression to candidate 1
          pickMe(unsafeCast(new String()));
   phase: BASIC
   with actuals: BigInteger
   with type-args: no arguments
       #0 applicable method found: pickMe(Object)
       #1 applicable method found: pickMe(BigInteger)    <---- this one 
is selected
OverloadingRegression.java:10: Note: resolving method <init> in type 
String to candidate 0
          pickMe(unsafeCast(new String()));
   phase: BASIC
   with actuals: no arguments
   with type-args: no arguments
       #0 applicable method found: String()   <-- only option
OverloadingRegression.java:10: Note: resolving method unsafeCast in type 
OverloadingRegression to candidate 0
          pickMe(unsafeCast(new String()));
   phase: BASIC
   with actuals: String
   with type-args: no arguments
       #0 applicable method found: <T>unsafeCast(Object) <--- only option
         (partially instantiated to: (Object)Object)
   where T is a type-variable:
     T extends Object declared in method <T>unsafeCast(Object)
Note: OverloadingRegression.java uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details


> On Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 9:02 AM, Paul Benedict <pbenedict at apache.org> wrote:
>> Ah, okay, that makes sense now. Filling me in on the background was a big
>> helper.
>> For the sake of clarity, what would happen to Jonathan's example if there
>> was also a third pickMe(BigDecimal)?
>> On Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 8:39 AM, Remi Forax <forax at univ-mlv.fr> wrote:
>>> On 11/19/2013 02:53 PM, Paul Benedict wrote:
>>>> I don't see how you can call the compiler "smarter" in this example.
>>> 'smarter' because this is not the only use case :)
>>> Here is an example that fails to compile with 7 but compiles with 8
>>> (comparingByValue is also a method that only uses type variables to
>>> specify the return type)
>>>    Map<String,String> map = ...
>>>    map.entrySet().stream().sorted(Map.Entry.comparingByValue());
>>> For pickMe(unsafe()) the inference fails in 7 and uses Object as a
>>> fallback,
>>> it appears that it's what the user want but that's just a coincidence.
>>>   It is choosing pickMe(BigInteger) without >: BigInteger type being
>>>> present.
>>> Don't forget that pickMe(null) also choose pickMe(BigInteger),
>>> it's the way the algorithm that choose the most specific method works
>>> since the beginning.
>>> here, the constraint is that T is a subtype of Object, so both
>>> pickMe(Object) and pickMe(BigInteger) are applicable,
>>> then the most specific algorithm chooses that pickMe(BigInteger) is
>> better
>>> than pickMe(Object).
>>> cheers,
>>> Rémi
>>>> On Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 5:30 AM, Remi Forax <forax at univ-mlv.fr <mailto:
>>>> forax at univ-mlv.fr>> wrote:
>>>>      On 11/19/2013 01:43 AM, Jonathan Ross wrote:
>>>>      > Hi,
>>>>      Hi Johnathan,
>>>>      >
>>>>      > I recently started porting a 150k-line project to jdk 8 to try
>>>>      my hand at
>>>>      > the recent changes in the collection libraries. (Hadn't done
>>>>      this since
>>>>      > last year, my apologies!)
>>>>      >
>>>>      > I have run in to a large number of compilation errors:
>>>>      regressions in type
>>>>      > inference and overload resolution. A lot of these are in unit
>>>>      tests using
>>>>      > mockito and fest and other similar monadic apis that rely heavily
>> on
>>>>      > overload resolution.
>>>>      It's not a regression, it's an enhancement :)
>>>>      >
>>>>      > The code snippet below is a distilled version of my typical
>>>>      compilation
>>>>      > error: our test code relying on the compiler choosing the Object
>>>>      overload
>>>>      > by default.
>>>>      >
>>>>      >
>>>>      > import java.math.BigInteger;
>>>>      >
>>>>      > public class OverloadingRegression {
>>>>      >
>>>>      >      static <T> T unsafeCast(Object anObject) {
>>>>      >          return (T) anObject;
>>>>      >      }
>>>>      >
>>>>      >      public void showOverloadResolutionIssue() {
>>>>      >          pickMe(unsafeCast(new String()));
>>>>      >      }
>>>>      >
>>>>      >      private void pickMe(BigInteger o) { /* ClassCastException in
>>>>      > 1.8.0-ea-b115 */ }
>>>>      >
>>>>      >      private void pickMe(Object o) { /* fine, picked in 1.6 &
>>>>      1.7 */ }
>>>>      > }
>>>>      >
>>>>      >
>>>>      > Obviously the unsafeCast is not going to win any beauty prizes,
>> but
>>>>      > sometimes you just have to do this sort of thing.  My main point
>>>>      is: it
>>>>      > used to work in java 7, it doesn't any more.
>>>>      >
>>>>      > Is this a known issue (or is it even expected behaviour)?
>>>>      Yes, it's the expected behavior, when you try do inference inside a
>>>>      method call,
>>>>      here unsafeCast is inside pickMe, in that case with jdk6 & 7, the
>>>>      inference
>>>>      is not done and T is replaceb by its bound (Object), with jdk8, the
>>>>      compiler is smarter,
>>>>      and find the most specific method first, here pickMe(BigInteger)
>>>>      is more
>>>>      specific than pickMe(Object) and then infers T (T = BigInteger).
>>>>      >
>>>>      > I'm using 1.8.0-ea-b115, but I verified that it fails with all
>>>>      1.8 jdks I
>>>>      > have my box.  When I pass in -source 1.7 it does work. And when
>>>>      I do an
>>>>      > explicit cast to Object (of course).
>>>>      so this is the correct behavior for 8, the new stream API heavily
>>>>      relies
>>>>      on that,
>>>>      and yes, this new semantics is not compatible with 1.7 in the case
>> the
>>>>      inference was failing,
>>>>      this is a known compatibility issue.
>>>>      >
>>>>      > -- Jonathan Ross
>>>>      >
>>>>      cheers,
>>>>      Rémi
>>>> --
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Paul
>> --
>> Cheers,
>> Paul
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