Virtual Extension Method bug report

Craig P. Motlin cmotlin at
Tue Nov 19 20:27:08 PST 2013

I've been testing jdk-8-ea-bin-b115-windows-x64-07_nov_2013 and I ran into
a problem. My program compiles and I get an AbstractMethodError when I call
a virtual extension method using the SuperClass.super.method() syntax, when
the method body is defined higher up than SuperClass.

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.AbstractMethodError:
at example.ConcreteCallsSuper.method(
at example.ConcreteCallsSuper.main(

Here's the code. All three interfaces seem important.

public interface AbstractMethod
    void method();

public interface VirtualExtensionMethod extends AbstractMethod
    default void method()

public interface EmptyInterface extends VirtualExtensionMethod

public class ConcreteCallsSuper implements EmptyInterface
    public void method()

    public static void main(String[] args)
        new ConcreteCallsSuper().method();

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