Javadoc (b116) lacks @FunctionalInterface on Observer signature

Paul Benedict pbenedict at
Thu Nov 21 14:47:29 PST 2013

I have found some more inconsistencies in other types.

These have it:
* FileFilter
* FilenameFilter
* Runnable

These do not:
* AutoCloseable
* Comparable
* Iterable
* Readable
* Closeable
* Flushable

If there are more, I don't know; I just wanted to give an FYI to start the

On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 4:23 PM, Paul Benedict <pbenedict at> wrote:

> While reading the Observer javadocs [1], I noticed the message of it being
> a functional interface yet the annotation is not appearing on the signature:
> "public interface Observer" without the annotation.
> Now compare that to javadocs of Comparator:
> "@FunctionalInterface
> public interface Comparator<T>"
> [1]
> --
> Cheers,
> Paul


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