Parallel processing of lines ina file (was RE: Basic functional style question)

Millies, Sebastian Sebastian.Millies at
Thu Nov 28 02:24:04 PST 2013

Hello there,

Assuming very large log files, how well does that approach parallelize?
Can/should I use  "Files.lines(path).parallel()" ?

I assume that the JRE would buffer blocks of lines in an array, the elements of which would then
be processed in parallel. Is that right? Is there any way to tweak the buffer size etc.? And will the next
block be read in parallel to processing the previous one, or after processing of each block has finished?

-- Sebastian

-----Original Message-----
From: lambda-dev-bounces at [mailto:lambda-dev-bounces at] On Behalf Of Stuart Marks
Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2013 9:18 AM
To: mohan.radhakrishnan at; lambda-dev at
Subject: Re: Basic functional style question

I started scratching this out and I got a sense of déjà vu, and then I realized Kirk Pepperdine recently wrote a blog post last week about using lambda to parse and pattern match GC logs. Were you at his talk at Øredev?

The approach he ended up with (with help from Brian Goetz), applied to your example, would look something like this:

     Pattern pat = Pattern.compile("Current.*?[/|]");

Note this uses Pattern and Matcher instead of Scanner, as they're more flexible.

The insight is to map each input string to a Matcher so that midway through the pipeline we have Stream<Matcher>. We then filter the matchers to get only the successful ones, and then extract the matched string from them.

Does this do what you want?


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