
Anthony Vanelverdinghe anthony.vanelverdinghe at gmail.com
Sat Nov 30 02:05:53 PST 2013


I have some questions concerning this method's implementation (in b117):

* the Spliterator only has the ORDERED characteristic. Why aren't the 
NONNULL and IMMUTABLE characteristics specified as well?

* this pattern (creating a Stream from an Iterator) seems like a great 
way to implement a Producer-Consumer pattern. When there's inherently 
only 1 producer & 1 consumer: what are the disadvantages of this pattern 
compared to an implementation with 2 Runnables and a BlockingQueue, if any?

PS: some javadoc nitpicking:
"i.e," should be "i.e."

"Any operation on that stream requires reading from the BufferedReader 
after is it closed will cause an UncheckedIOException to be thrown."
should be
"Any operation on that stream that requires reading from the 
BufferedReader after it is closed, will cause an UncheckedIOException to 
be thrown."

Regards, Anthony

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