Possible regression involving inferred generic types

cushon cushon at google.com
Wed Oct 16 17:48:43 PDT 2013

Forwarded from compiler-dev at Alex Buckley's suggestion. Original thread:

I found some cases where javac 8 behaviour diverges from javac 7, and I'm
interested in knowing whether this is a bug or an intentional change.

The following programs do not compile with the jdk8 javac. (I tried b111 and
954dd199d6ff). All of the programs compile with the jdk7 javac.

import java.util.List;

class ReproOne {

  static class Baz<T> {
    public static List<Baz<Object>> getElements(Baz<Object> transcoder) {
      return null;

  private static void bar(Baz arg) {
    for (Baz element : Baz.getElements(arg)) {}
abstract class ReproTwo<T> {

  class Bar<E> {}

  T get(Bar<? extends T> arg1, Bar arg2) {
    return circularGet(arg2, arg2);

  abstract T circularGet(final Bar<? extends T> arg1, final Bar<?> arg2);
abstract class ReproThree<T, V> {

  class Binding<E> {}
  class ProviderBinding<E> extends Binding<E> {}

  abstract V visitOther(Binding<? extends T> binding);

  public V visitTwo(ProviderBinding<? extends T> providerBinding) {
    return visitOther((Binding) providerBinding);

javac output:

ReproOne.java:12: error: incompatible types: Object cannot be converted to
    for (Baz element : Baz.getElements(arg)) {}

ReproTwo.java:6: error: incompatible types: Object cannot be converted to T
    return circularGet(arg2, arg2);
  where T is a type-variable:
    T extends Object declared in class ReproTwo

ReproThree.java:10: error: incompatible types: Object cannot be converted
to V
    return visitOther((Binding) providerBinding);
  where V is a type-variable:
    V extends Object declared in class ReproThree

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