default methods in interfaces

Gernot Neppert mcnepp02 at
Tue Oct 29 08:40:46 PDT 2013

2013/10/29 Paul Sandoz <paul.sandoz at>

> In terms of patterns for this kind of usage, i don't have a clear answer.
> I expect some may evolve over time as developers evolve and implement new
> interfaces that provide certain mix-in behaviour. Note that we have been
> careful not to add the @FunctionalInteface annotation to all interfaces
> that could be used as the target type of lambda expressions and method
> references. In certain cases such non-annotated interfaces are more
> intended to provide mix-in behaviour, so there is clue where to look and
> watch.
I'd like to know whether the proposals that I made (see

have been considered? The latest snapshot looks unchanged in this respect,
so I'll just re-post the observations that I made in July. I'm really
curious whether any of the proposals below have been considered and why
they have been rejected:

1. The only 'Listener-style' classes annotated with @FunctionalInterface are
java.util.prefs.PreferenceChangeListener and
I tend to think that all single-method Listener interface match the
intention of a functional interface, an obvious example being
java.beans.PropertyChangeListener and many of the java.awt EventListeners.

2. java.util.Comparable is annotated with @FunctionalInterface.
This seems wrong to me. While technically being a functional interface, it
cannot be used a a stateless function. Rather, it always has to be
implemented by data-bearing classes.
I cannot think of a reason to encourage conversion of lambda expressions to
stand-alone java.util.Comparables.

3. is annotated with @FunctionalInterface.This is similar
to java.util.Comparable:
Stateful classes usually implement java.util.Closeable as a 'trait'.
Stand-alone Closeables created from lambda expressions will be extremly

4. java.util.concurrent.Callable is not annotated with
@FunctionalInterface, even though it is certainly being used as a function!

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