Processing-Mode Equality
Frost, Gary
Gary.Frost at
Thu Feb 6 07:09:51 PST 2014
I think this is important.
The expectation of the Œsame result¹ does need to be suitably relaxed.
As an asideŠ. have we considered having Œparallel()¹ take an argument so
that we can control parallel dispatch based on some program state
At present we can¹t easily at runtime decide whether to dispatch in a
parallel or sequential mode.
We can approximate with
Stream someStream = getSomeStream();
if (wantParallel){
someStream = someStream.parallel();
But I think I would prefer
Of course we could have parallel() default to parallel(true) for
On 2/6/14, 8:01 AM, "Maurice Naftalin" <maurice at> wrote:
>I realise that I underspecified the problem at the start. It's not just
>that the results of processing in each mode must produce the same result
>(modulo any expected nondeterminism), but also that the two execution
>modes are equally important for example, the API doesn't provide any
>operations that can only be executed (feasibly) in sequential mode.
>On 6 Feb 2014, at 13:17, Timo Kinnunen wrote:
>> Sameness of Sequential and Parallel?
>> --
>> Have a nice day,
>> Timo.
>> Sent from Windows Mail
>> From: Millies, Sebastian
>> Sent: Thursday, February 6, 2014 15:07
>> To: Victor Nazarov, Maurice Naftalin
>> Cc: lambda-dev at
>> it's not quite transparent, in particular because it's explicit and
>>therefore visible.
>> Haven't Brian Goetz and Paul Sandoz used the phrase "unobtrusive
>>parallelism" ?
>> However, that wording refers more to the manner of specifying a
>> mode, not to the relation between them, so perhaps it's not what you're
>> for.
>> How about: "sequential-parallel conformance" ?
>> -- Sebastian
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: lambda-dev-bounces at
>>[mailto:lambda-dev-bounces at] On Behalf Of Victor Nazarov
>> Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2014 1:52 PM
>> To: Maurice Naftalin
>> Cc: lambda-dev at
>> Subject: Re: Processing-Mode Equality
>> transparent parallelism?
>> --
>> Victor Nazarov
>> On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 4:18 PM, Maurice Naftalin
>><maurice at
>> > wrote:
>> > In writing about streams, I want to explain how the API has been
>> > shaped by the design goal of maintaining functional equivalence
>> > between parallel and sequential execution. I'm looking for a name for
>> > that goal, but so far the best I've come up with is the Principle of
>> > Processing-Mode Equality, which is pretty clumsy. I'd appreciate
>> > suggestions for improving it (which I will be happy to attribute).
>>Thanks in advance!
>> >
>> > Maurice
>> >
>> >
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