Bug in overload disambiguation / inference

Sam Pullara spullara at gmail.com
Sun Feb 23 10:31:23 PST 2014

The issues center around some overloads that the library has:

    interface Function<T, V> extends PartialFunction<T, V> {
      V apply(T paramT);

    interface PartialFunction<T, V> {
      V apply(T paramT) throws Exception;

    interface O {}

    static <T, V> void run(Function<? super O, V> function) {}
    static <T, V> void run(PartialFunction<? super O, V> function) {}

(full code here: https://gist.github.com/spullara/9175196)

Calling the method like this:

run(t -> t.toString())

causes an assertion error in the compiler (b129). I'm assuming that is just
a bug. The problem I run into is when you call it like:

run((O t) -> t.toString())

which results in

java: reference to run is ambiguous
  both method <T,V>run(spullara.ExceptionInferenceBug.Function<? super
spullara.ExceptionInferenceBug.O,V>) in spullara.ExceptionInferenceBug and
method <T,V>run(spullara.ExceptionInferenceBug.PartialFunction<? super
spullara.ExceptionInferenceBug.O,V>) in spullara.ExceptionInferenceBug match

However, if the run methods are defined as:

    static <T, V> void run(Function<O, V> function) {}
    static <T, V> void run(PartialFunction<O, V> function) {}

It works fine. Any ideas? Seems like the same rules should apply.


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