Overload issue - more-specific-ness

Peter Levart peter.levart at gmail.com
Fri Mar 14 23:40:10 UTC 2014

On 03/14/2014 08:22 PM, Anna Kozlova wrote:
>  From spec Choosing the Most Specific Method:
> 		In addition, a functional interface type S is more specific
> than a functional interface type T for an expression exp if T is not a
> subtype of S
> 			....
> 		R2 is void => true
> Here SAM types are not subtypes from one another and one return type is void
> (another is not) => most specific method could be chosen.

Oh, I've got it wrong.

RunnableX <: Callable<Void> which is not related to Callable<List<?>>   !!!

So according to spec:

function type Callable<List<?>> is more specific than function type 
RunnableX because RunnableX is not a subtype of Callable<List<?>> and 
return type of RunnableX is void (and return type of Callable<List<?>> 
is capture(List<?>) which is not void).

> Should spec
> probably use |T| and |S| then?

|T| meaning the raw type of T ?

Assumig this interpretation and if the 2nd rule in spec stated:

_In addition, a functional interface type /S/ is /more specific/ than a 
functional interface type /T/ for an expression /exp/ if /|T|/ is not a 
subtype of /|S|/ and one of the following conditions apply...

...then Callable<List<?>> could not be more specific than RunnableX, 
because |RunnableX| <: |Callable<List<?>>| and RunnableX could not be 
more specific than Callable<List<?>> either because RunnableX is not a 
subtype of Callable<List<?>> and we would get an undecided result as we 
currently do.

So which one sounds more sound? I don't see a compelling reason to use 
raw types here.

Regards, Peter

> Thanks,
> Anna
> -----Original Message-----
> From: lambda-dev [mailto:lambda-dev-bounces at openjdk.java.net] On Behalf Of
> Brian Goetz
> Sent: Friday, March 14, 2014 6:48 PM
> To: Peter Levart; Zhong Yu; lambda-dev at openjdk.java.net
> Subject: Re: Overload issue - more-specific-ness
> Yes, this is correct behavior.  The rule is that overloading methods whose
> arguments are same-arity SAMs (and where other arguments can't be used to
> disambiguate) are going to lead to ambiguities.
> Bad: overloaded methods with functional interfaces of the same arity in the
> same position
> <T,U> void foo(Function<T,U>)
> <T> void foo(ToIntFunction<T>)
> Unless another non-functional argument can provide disambiguation
> <T,U> void foo(String, Function<T,U>)
> <T> void foo(int, ToIntFunction<T>)
> OK: overload with the same functional interface in the same position <T,U>
> void foo(Function<T,U>, String) <T,U> void foo(Function<T,U>, int)
> On 3/14/2014 4:10 AM, Peter Levart wrote:
>> On 03/14/2014 12:48 AM, Zhong Yu wrote:
>>> Consider this program:
>>>       // like Runnable, but throws
>>>       interface RunnableX extends Callable<Void>
>>>       {
>>>           void run() throws Exception;
>>>           default Void call() throws Exception
>>>           {
>>>               run();
>>>               return null;
>>>           }
>>>       }
>>>       static void foo(RunnableX r){}
>>>       static void foo(Callable<List<?>> c){}
>>> The overload should be fine, because both functional interfaces are
>>> 0-arg. And foo#2 should be more specific than foo#1.
>>> However the following program fails to compile
>>>       public void test()
>>>       {
>>>           foo( ()->new ArrayList<Void>() );
>>>           // javac: reference to foo is ambiguous
>>>           // both method foo(RunnableX) and method
>>> foo(Callable<List<?>>) match
>>>       }
>>> Is it the correct behavior or a bug? It seems to me that foo#2 should
>>> be the most-specific method here.
>>> ( If RunnableX does NOT extend Callable<Void>, the program compiles.)
>> ...and selects foo(Callable). So when interfaces are not related the
>> structural type of Callable is prefered to that of RunnableX. If
>> RunnableX is related to (a subtype of) Callable then most specific
>> rule should prevail. I think. But it seems that structural fitness and
>> subtype specificness have equal weight here, so compiler is undecided.
>> Regards, Peter
>>> Thanks,
>>> Zhong Yu
> !DSPAM:35,5323412a213961640333909!

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