Java 8 is released !

Martijn Verburg martijnverburg at
Tue Mar 18 19:31:33 UTC 2014

+1 - deploying to our PRD environment tomorrow and there's a bunch of
callback and handler code running for it's life the day after :-).


On 18 March 2014 19:25, Sam Pullara <spullara at> wrote:

> Hear, hear!
> ---Sent from Boxer |
> As you all know, Java 8 is now released with lambdas as a preeminent
> feature.
> I want to personally thank every each of you that have contributed to
> that list taking time to read the different drafts, test the betas,
> report bugs, etc.
> We all together have created something amazing, something huge,
> something monumental as Mark said.
> I will never meet all of you in person, but please don't hesitate to
> come to me saying that you are one of us,
> I own you a beer, at least.
> thank you,
> Rémi

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