How about the performance of lambda for more cores

Sam Pullara spullara at
Fri Mar 28 03:14:25 UTC 2014

It would be great if your benchmark was on github (or somewhere else
public) so that we could see the particular case you are testing.


On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 7:40 PM, 吴璞渊 <wupuyuan at> wrote:

> Dear:
>       "State of the Lambda"  introduce that the Lambda project is working
> for parallel APIs, now how to test?
>       I made a comparison between anonymous inner class and lambda
> expression, the result is lambda is not so good as anonymous inner class in
> one thread.
>       So, how about concurrent program, and if it's also depends on
>  "invokedynamic" which is not
> fast enough?
> --
> B&R

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