overload resolution with deep nested lambda

anna.kozlova at jetbrains.com anna.kozlova at jetbrains.com
Wed Sep 10 18:26:08 UTC 2014


sorry if the place is inappropriate, hopefully explanation would be 
interesting not only for me.

The following sample compiles, though my understanding of the spec says 
that it should not:

class Main {
     public static void main(String[] args) {
         List<Optional<Function<String, String>>> list = 
asList(of((String s) -> identity(s)));

     static <T> List<T> asList(T a) { return null;}
     static <T> List<T> asList(Optional a) { return null;}

     static <O> Optional<O> of(O value) { return null;}

     public static String identity(final String s) {
         return s;

Because of((String s) -> identity(s)) is potentially compatible with 
both methods (, method applicability search yields 2 methods 
applicable by strict invocation, of which asList(Optional a) is more 
specific (according to 18.5.4) but javac obviously chooses asList(T).

Could someone explain what have I missed here please?

Thank you,

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