overload resolution with deep nested lambda

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com
Thu Sep 11 15:05:29 UTC 2014

I think the latest version of the compiler (JDK 9) has been fixed - it 
now gives this:

/home/maurizio/Desktop/Main.java:6: error: incompatible types: cannot 
infer type-variable(s) O
         List<Optional<Function<String, String>>> list = 
asList(of((String s) -> identity(s)));
     (argument mismatch; Object is not a functional interface)
   where O is a type-variable:
     O extends Object declared in method <O>of(O)

The message is a bit cryptic - but the compiler now obviously chooses 
asList(Optional), hence the target-type for the lambda is just Object 
(since Optional is raw).


On 11/09/14 15:26, anna.kozlova at jetbrains.com wrote:
> the part "A method is applicable if it is either applicable by 
> subtyping (§, applicable by method invocation conversion 
> (§, or it is an applicable variable arity method 
> (§" is from JLS 7, JLS 8 doesn't say so anymore.
> I believe that (String s) -> identity(s) is not pertinent to 
> applicability because it is passed to the parameter with type T 
> ( so it should not participate in invocation applicability 
> inference (18.5.1).
> Thank you
> Anna
> On 11.09.2014 17:56, Davin McCall wrote:
>> On 10/09/14 19:26, anna.kozlova at jetbrains.com wrote:
>>> Because of((String s) -> identity(s)) is potentially compatible with 
>>> both methods (, method applicability search yields 2 
>>> methods applicable by strict invocation, of which asList(Optional a) 
>>> is more specific (according to 18.5.4) but javac obviously chooses 
>>> asList(T).
>>> Could someone explain what have I missed here please?
>> I'm no expert here, but I believe that identifies
>> _potentially) applicable methods, which are then filtered according to
>>, and
>> From 15.12.2: "A method is applicable if it is either applicable by
>> subtyping (§, applicable by method invocation conversion
>> (§, or it is an applicable variable arity method
>> (§"
>> This removes the possibility of using asList(Optional), because no
>> suitable type can be inferred for O. The only remaining option is
>> asList(T).
>> Davin
>> !DSPAM:35,5411aafa47141724266025!

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