Converting between structurally compatible function types

Boaz Nahum boaznahum at
Mon Feb 23 17:38:43 UTC 2015

Yes, but what if Function has method that accepts R instead of returning

Try Function<String, ?> instead.


On Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 7:32 PM Millies, Sebastian <
Sebastian.Millies at> wrote:

> Hello there,
> I have a very basic question: why does the following not compile:
> Function<String,Integer> f = s -> 1;
> Function<String,Object> g = f;
> After all, I would expect that anywhere where a function from String to
> arbitrary objects is required, I can supply a function to integers in
> particular.
> I guess Java just sees the names are different, and that’s it?
> How do I best convert between the two types?
> n  Sebastian
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