Joe Bowbeer
joe.bowbeer at
Fri Sep 21 09:31:58 PDT 2012
I may want to revisit my statement that Optional cannot contain null:
> But the question really boils down to whether Optional can contain null,
and I don't think it should.
Maybe an Optional that contains null is the right way to differentiate a
null (no element) from a null element.
On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 9:26 AM, Joe Bowbeer <joe.bowbeer at> wrote:
> It depends on how findFirst is defined.
> In groovy, find() returns the first element that satisfies groovy truth,
> and null does not satisfy! But there is also a find(predicate) where the
> predicate determines what truth is. (Please excuse the groovy lingo.)
> If there is this operation:
> Optional<T> findFirst()
> then there should also be a version that takes a Predicate:
> Optional<T> findFirst(Predicate)
> and then the question can be rephrased: What is the implicit predicate
> that findFirst() employs?
> If the predicate ignores null, then I think it should ignore a few other
> things as well.
> But the question really boils down to whether Optional can contain null,
> and I don't think it should.
> This leads me to question whether there should be another version of
> findFirst for non-Optional programming. I find that the two styles don't
> mix well. Most Java programmers are naturally non-Optional but might want
> to take advantage of Optional. However, I would tend to use a non-Optional
> findFirst more in Java than not -- because the rest of Java is not
> Optional-friendly.
> Joe
> On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 9:08 AM, Brian Goetz <brian.goetz at>wrote:
>> Should stream ops be permitted to squeeze out nulls when they don't make
>> sense?
>> For example:
>> list...findFirst()
>> returns an Optional<T>. There are good arguments why an Optional should
>> *not* be allowed to contain null. Should findFirst ignore nulls? Throw
>> something if the stream begins with null?
>> On 9/21/2012 12:04 PM, Joe Bowbeer wrote:
>>> My position is to support nulls in collections, which leads to
>>> supporting nulls in streams.
>>> I've never dealt with a popular language that didn't allow nulls --
>>> except for the concurrent flavor of collections in Java, which strikes
>>> me as implementation leaking through into design.
>>> That said, I don't like nulls, and when I'm using a language like Scala
>>> that allows me to eliminate them, I try to do that, and I feel bad when
>>> I can't. But I still have nulls in some of my Scala code because it
>>> seems like the right thing in those cases. Maybe if I were a better
>>> Scala programmer, then I would know of a way to eliminate them in those
>>> cases that would seem even better...
>>> Btw, I make a distinction with maps and their entries. Maps don't
>>> contain null mappings, obviously, but I see some leeway regarding what
>>> objects are allowed in the map entries. For example, I would not allow
>>> null keys, but would allow null values. I think there's a similar
>>> distinction with streams. That is, I would allow nulls in streams, but
>>> not null mappings (MapEntry) in MapStreams.
>>> Joe
>>> On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 8:37 AM, Kevin Bourrillion wrote:
>>> On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 5:49 AM, Remi Forax wrote:
>>> Support them is the only realistic option, there are too many
>>> codes out there that put null in collections, otherwise it will
>>> seriously impede the adoption of lambdas.
>>> You would think so, but take a look at how hard Guava is on nulls,
>>> and we pretty much get away with it.
>>> There are always plenty of strategies for fixing your code to not
>>> need to put nulls into collections, and most of them leave the code
>>> better off.
>>> I'm not taking a position on the issue, just saying the argument
>>> that we /have/ to support nulls doesn't hold water with me. So
>>> /what/ if it "impedes adoption" of lambdas a bit? Pleasing everyone
>>> all of the time isn't an option anyway.
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