Brian Goetz
brian.goetz at oracle.com
Wed Feb 6 14:32:28 PST 2013
Guys, we need to close on the open Stream API items relatively soon.
Maybe we're almost there on flatMap.
Of the alternatives for flatMap below, I think while Alternative B is
attractive from a client code perspective, I think Alternative A is less
risky with respect to stressing the compiler (and also introduces fewer
new types.)
So, semi-concrete proposal:
Stream<U> flatMapToCollection(Function<T, Collection<U>>)
Stream<U> flatMapToArray(Function<T, U[]>) // do we even need this?
Stream<U> flatMap(Function<T, Stream<U>>)
Stream<U> flatMap(FlatMapper<T, U>)
interface FlatMapper<T, U> {
void explodeInto(T t, Consumer<U> consumer);
with specializations for primitives:
IntStream flatMap(FlatMapper.OfInt<T>)
... etc
We can then position flatMap as the "advanced" version, so from a
"graduated learning" perspective, people will find fMTC first, if that
meets their needs, great, and the Javadoc for fMTC can guide them to fM
for the more advanced cases.
On 2/4/2013 3:37 PM, Brian Goetz wrote:
>> From this, here's what I think is left to do:
>> - More work on explode needed
> > ...
> Circling back to this. Clearly explode() is not done. Let me try and
> capture all the relevant info in one place.
> Let's start with some background. Why do we want this method at all?
> Well, it's really useful! It's fairly common to do things like:
> Stream<Order> orders = ...
> Stream<LineItem> lineItems // explicit declaration for clarity
> = orders.explode(... order.getLineItems() ...)
> and it is often desirable to do then streamy things on the stream of
> line items. Those who have used flatMap in Scala get used to having it
> quite quickly, and would be very sad if it were taken away. Ask Don how
> many examples in his katas use it. (Doug will also point out that if
> you have flatMap, you don't really need map or filter -- see examples in
> CHM -- since both can be layered atop flatMap, modulo performance
> concerns.)
> (It does have the potential to put some stress on the system when an
> element can be mapped to very large collections, because it sucks you
> into the problem of nested parallelism. (This is the inverse of another
> problem we already have, which is when filter stages have very high
> selectivity, and we end up with a lot of splitting overhead for the
> number of elements that end up at the tail of the pipeline.) But when
> mapping an element to a small number of other elements, as is common in
> a lot of use cases, there is generally no problem here.)
> Scala has a method flatMap on whatever they'd call Stream<T>, which
> takes a function
> T -> Stream<U>
> and produces a Stream<U>. More generally, this shape of flatMap applies
> (and is supported by higher-kinded generics) to many traits in the Scala
> library, where you have a Foo[A] and the flatMap method takes an A ->
> Foo[B] and produces a Foo[B]. (Our generics can't capture this.)
> This is the shape for flatMap that everyone really wants. But here, we
> run into unfortunate reality: this works great in functional languages
> with cheap structural types, but that's not Java.
> I took it as a key design goal for flatMap/mapMulti/explode that: if an
> element t maps to nothing, the implementation should do as close to zero
> work as possible.
> This rules out shaping flatMap as:
> <U> Stream<U> flatMap(Function<T, Collection<U>>)
> because, if you don't already have the collection lying around, the
> lambdas for this are nasty to write (try writing one, and you'll see
> what I mean), inefficient to execute, and create work for the library to
> iterate the result. In the limit, where t maps to the empty collection,
> creating an iterating an empty collection for each element is nuts. (By
> contrast, in languages like Haskell, wrapping elements with lists is
> very cheap.)
> However, the above shape is desirable as a convenience in the case you
> already do have a collection lying around. So let's put it in the bin
> of "nice conveniences to also deliver when we solve the main problem."
> It also rules out shaping flatMap as:
> <U> Stream<U> flatMap(Function<T, Stream<U>>)
> because that's even worse -- creating ad-hoc streams is even more
> expensive than creating collections.
> To simplify, imagine there are two use cases we have to satisfy:
> - map element to generator (general case)
> - map element to collection (convenience case)
> The other cases (to array, to stream) are similar enough to the
> collection case.
> To illustrate the general "generator" case, here's an example of a
> lambda (using the current API) that takes a Stream of String and
> produces a Stream of Integer values which are the characters of that
> stream:
> (sink, element) -> {
> for (int i=0; i<element.length(); i++)
> sink.send(element.charAt(i));
> }
> It's efficient (no input, no output) and pretty easy to see what's going
> on. Would be nicer if we could spell "sink.send" as "yield", but oh
> well. Here's how we'd have to write that if we didn't support the
> generator case:
> (element) -> {
> ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();
> for (int i=0; i<element.length(); i++)
> list.add(element.charAt(i));
> return list;
> }
> Bigger and less efficient. And it gets uglier if we want to try and
> optimize away the list creation in the empty case:
> (element) -> {
> if (element.length() == 0)
> return Collections.emptyList();
> ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();
> for (int i=0; i<element.length(); i++)
> list.add(element.charAt(i));
> return list;
> }
> We're really starting to lose sight of what this lambda does. (Hopefully
> this will put to bed the notion that all we need is the T->Collection<U>
> case.)
> Erasure plays a role here too. Ideally, it would be nice to overload
> methods for
> flatMap(Function<T, Collection<U>>)
> flatMap(Function<T, U[])
> but obviously we can't do that (directly).
> The original API had only:
> <U> Stream<U> flatMap(MultiFunction<T,U> mf)
> where MultiFunction was (T, Consumer<U>) -> void. If users already had
> a Collection lying around, they had to iterate it themselves:
> (element, sink) -> {
> for (U u : findCollection(t))
> sink.accept(u);
> }
> which isn't terrible but people didn't like it -- I think not because it
> was hard to read, but hard to figure out how to use flatMap at all.
> The current iteration provides a helper class with helper methods for
> handling collections, arrays, and streams, but you still have to wrap
> your head around why you're being passed two things before doing
> anything -- and I think its the "before doing anything" part that
> really messes people up.
> So, here's two alternatives that I hope may be better (and not run into
> problems with type inference).
> Alternative A: overloading on method names.
> // Map T -> Collection<U>
> public<U> StreamA<U> explodeToCollection(Function<T, Collection<U>>
> mapper);
> // Map T -> U[]
> public<U> StreamA<U> explodeToArray(Function<T, U[]> mapper);
> // Generator case -- pass a T and a Consumer
> public<U> StreamA<U> explodeToConsumer(BiConsumer<T, Consumer<U>>
> mapper);
> // Alternate version of generator case -- with named SAM instead
> public<U> StreamA<U> altExplodeToConsumer(Exploder<T, U> mapper);
> interface Exploder<T, U> {
> void explode(T element, Consumer<U> consumer);
> }
> Here, we have various explodeToXxx methods (naming is purely
> illustrative) that defeat the erasure problem. Users seeking the
> T->Collection version can use the appropriate versions with no problem.
> When said users discover that their performance sucks, they have
> motivation to learn to use the more efficient generator version.
> Usage examples:
> StreamA<Integer> a1
> = a.explodeToArray(i -> new Integer[] { i });
> StreamA<Integer> a2
> = a.explodeToCollection(i -> Collections.singleton(i));
> StreamA<Integer> a3
> = a.explodeToConsumer((i, sink) -> sink.accept(i));
> Alternative B: overload on SAMs. This involves three SAMs:
> interface Exploder<T, U> {
> void explode(T element, Consumer<U> consumer);
> }
> interface MapperToCollection<T, U>
> extends Function<T, Collection<U>> { }
> interface MapperToArray<T, U> extends Function<T, U[]> { }
> And three overloaded explode() methods:
> public<U> StreamB<U> explode(MapperToCollection<T, U> exploder);
> public<U> StreamB<U> explode(MapperToArray<T, U> exploder);
> public<U> StreamB<U> explode(Exploder<T, U> exploder);
> Usage examples:
> StreamB<Integer> b1 = b.explode(i -> new Integer[] { i });
> StreamB<Integer> b2 = b.explode(i -> Collections.singleton(i));
> StreamB<Integer> b3 = b.explode((i, sink) -> sink.accept(i));
> I think the second approach is pretty decent. Users can easily
> understand the first two versions and use them while wrapping their head
> around the third.
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