Collectors update, bikeshed edition

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at
Thu Feb 7 17:38:56 PST 2013

Don has been filling my mailbox daily brainstorming alternate names for 
"collect".  If we were to rename collect, the ones that seems most 
tolerable (largely on the basis of prior art) are "inject" and "fold". 
Inject is the name used by Smalltalk, Ruby, and Groovy for this.  Again, 
not that I'm claiming that this is any sort of proof of superiority, but 
some people will be familiar with the name, and that's worth something.

When I first came across "inject" I didn't like it.  Its primary value 
seemed to that it rhymed with {sel,rej,det,inf,negl}ect.  But, like 
"fold" (in the baking sense), there's a physical analogy of injecting 
ingredients one at a time into a larger entity or aggregation that 
absorbs them.  It rubs most people the wrong way at first, but you do 
get used to it, and eventually it makes sense.

Anyway, not to get Don's hopes up, but inject does have one big benefit 
over collect, and that is the challenges faced by Collector.  One of the 
bad things about the name Collector is that it *doesn't* actually 
collect things!  Instead, it is a template/recipe/scheme for *how* to 
collect things.  But we can't use the word Collection because that 
clearly means something else, and 
CollectorTemplate/CollectorStrategy/CollectorScheme all seem too 

But Injector works better as a name for what we now call Collector; you 
can convince yourself that a groupBy() injects data into a Map.  Or, if 
you don't like that, the space of InjectionXxx is open (unlike with 
collect), such as InjectionScheme.

I could tolerate switching to inject and some flavor of 
Injector/InjectionScheme.  I could also tolerate fold(), but that is 
more likely to engender "that's not a fold", and Folder has the same 
problem as Collection.

.NET calls this Aggregate, by the way.  And Aggregator is clear too. 
Though Doug wants us to keep Aggregate free for some future Collection 
type, and given how rabid I've been about things like syntactic 
real-estate management, I think I must reluctantly agree.

On 1/30/2013 3:42 PM, Raab, Donald wrote:
> In my opinion, collect should return a collection.  It should not reduce to any result.  In the interest of time, here's a stab at an alternative list I came up with using the powers of thesaurus yesterday:
> into
> gather
> assemble
> summarize
> The functionality currently called collect feels more like injectInto/inject in Smalltalk/Ruby/Groovy, but nothing is being injected into the method collect directly, but by the Collector (the R in makeResult()).  InjectInto/inject is the equivalent of foldLeft.  I would be less concerned over using injectInto or inject than collect, as at least it seems similar enough in that it can return any value, determined by the injector (currently called Collector).  But folks here might consider injectInto and foldLeft too cryptic, so I decided to just shorten to into in the above list.
> In the binary release I have (not sure if this is different in current source), two of the overloaded versions of the method collect create a FoldOp today (a hint), and the Collector interface has a method called accumulate and combine and is called MutableReducer in the javadoc.  The methods named reduce also create FoldOp instances.  This makes reduce and collect seem eerily similar.
> I find this a little confusing, but I have tried my best anyway to name that which by any other name seems to be more like injectInto/mapReduce/foldL/aggregate/etc. to me.
> Thoughts?
>>>    I will do
>>> my best and find an alternative that everyone else here likes.
>> Thanks.
>> -Doug

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