Internal and External truncation conditions

Sam Pullara sam at
Sat Feb 9 11:26:25 PST 2013

Now that we are further along, I wanted to bring this up again. I
don't think that forEachUntil is sufficient for handling internal and
external conditions that should truncate stream processing. I've also
looked at CloseableStream and that doesn't appear to help since it
isn't possible to wrap a Stream (say an infinite stream) with a
CloseableStream and get the necessary semantics of cancellation. Also,
other APIs that don't consider that you might give them a
CloseableStream will likely still give you back a Stream thus losing
the semantics.

Is everyone else happy with forEachUntil and CloseableStream?


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sam Pullara <sam at>
Date: Mon, Dec 31, 2012 at 8:34 AM
Subject: Re: Cancelation -- use cases
To: Brian Goetz <brian.goetz at>
Cc: "lambda-libs-spec-experts at"
<lambda-libs-spec-experts at>

I think we are conflating two things with this solution and it doesn't
work for them in my mind. Here is what I would like the solution to

- External conditions (cancellation, cleanup)
- Internal conditions (gating based on count, elements and results)

The first one may be the only one that works in the parallel case. It
should likely be implemented with .close() on stream that would stop
the stream as soon as possible. This would be useful for things like
timeouts. Kind of like calling close on an inputstream in the middle
of reading it. The other one I think is necessary and hard to
implement correctly with the parallel case. For instance I would like
to say:

stream.gate(e -> e < 10).forEach(e -> …)


stream.gate( (e, i) -> e < 10 || i > 10).forEach(e -> …) // i is the
number of the current element

That should give me every element in the stream until an element isn't
< 10 and then stop processing elements. Further, there should be some
way for the stream source to be notified that we are done consuming it
in case it is of unknown length or consumes resources. That would be
more like (assuming we add a Runnable call to Timer):

Stream stream = ….
new Timer().schedule(() -> stream.close(), 5000);
stream.forEach(e -> ….);


stream.forEach(e -> try { … } catch() { stream.close() } );

Sadly, the first gate() case doesn't work well when parallelized. I'm
willing to just specify what the behavior is for that case to get it
into the API. For example, I would probably say something like "the
gate will need to return false once per split to stop processing". In
either of these cases I think one of the motivations needs to be that
the stream may be using resources and we need to tell the source that
we are done consuming it. For example, if the stream is sourced from a
file, database or even a large amount of memory there should be a
notification mechanism for doneness that will allow those resources to
be returned before the stream is exhausted. To that end I think that
Stream should implement AutoCloseable but overridden with no checked

interface Stream<T> implements AutoCloseable {
   * Closes this stream and releases any system resources associated
   * with it. If the stream is already closed then invoking this
   * method has no effect. Close is automatically called when the
   * stream is exhausted. After this is called, no further elements
   * will be processed by the stream but currently processing elements
   * will complete normally. Calling other methods on a closed stream will
   * produce IllegalStateExceptions.
  void close();

   * When the continueProcessing function returns false, no further
   * elements will be processed after the gate. In the parallel stream
   * case no further elements will be processed in the current split.
  Stream<T> gate(Function<T, Boolean> until);

   * As gate with the addition of the current element number.
  Stream<T> gate(BiFunction<T, Integer, Boolean> until);

This API avoids a lot of side effects that forEachUntil would require
implement these use cases.


On Dec 30, 2012, at 7:53 PM, Brian Goetz <brian.goetz at> wrote:

Here's a lower-complexity version of cancel, that still satisfies (in
series or in parallel) use cases like the following:

>   - Find the best possible move after thinking for 5 seconds
>   - Find the first solution that is better than X
>   - Gather solutions until we have 100 of them

without bringing in the complexity or time/space overhead of dealing
with encounter order.

Since the forEach() operation works exclusively on the basis of
temporal/arrival order rather than spatial/encounter order (elements
are passed to the lambda in whatever order they are available, in
whatever thread they are available), we could make a canceling variant
of forEach:

 .forEachUntil(Block<T> sink, BooleanSupplier until)

Here, there is no confusion about what happens in the ordered case, no
need to buffer elements, etc.  Elements flow into the block until the
termination condition transpires, at which point there are no more
splits and existing splits dispense no more elements.

I implemented this (it was trivial) and wrote a simple test program to
calculate primes sequentially and in parallel, counting how many could
be calculated in a fixed amount of time, starting from an infinite
generator and filtering out composites:

           Streams.iterate(from, i -> i + 1)  // sequential
                   .filter(i -> isPrime(i))
                   .forEachUntil(i -> {
                       chm.put(i, true);
                   }, () -> System.currentTimeMillis() >= start+num);


           Streams.iterate(from, i -> i+1)    // parallel
                   .filter(i -> isPrime(i))
                   .forEachUntil(i -> {
                       chm.put(i, true);
                   }, () -> System.currentTimeMillis() >= start+num);

On a 4-core Q6600 system, in a fixed amount of time, the parallel
version gathered ~3x as many primes.

In terms of being able to perform useful computations on infinite
streams, this seems a pretty attractive price-performer; lower spec
and implementation complexity, and covers many of the use cases which
would otherwise be impractical to attack with the stream approach.

On 12/28/2012 11:20 AM, Brian Goetz wrote:

I've been working through some alternatives for cancellation support in
infinite streams.  Looking to gather some use case background to help
evaluate the alternatives.

In the serial case, the "gate" approach works fine -- after some
criteria transpires, stop sending elements downstream.  The pipeline
flushes the elements it has, and completes early.

In the parallel unordered case, the gate approach similarly works fine
-- after the cancelation criteria occurs, no new splits are created, and
existing splits dispense no more elements.  The computation similarly
quiesces after elements currently being processed are completed,
possibly along with any up-tree merging to combine results.

It is the parallel ordered case that is tricky.  Supposing we partition
a stream into
  (a1,a2,a3), (a4,a5,a6)

And suppose further we happen to be processing a5 when the bell goes
off.  Do we want to wait for all a_i, i<5, to finish before letting the
computation quiesce?

My gut says: for the things we intend to cancel, most of them will be
order-insensitive anyway.  Things like:

 - Find the best possible move after thinking for 5 seconds
 - Find the first solution that is better than X
 - Gather solutions until we have 100 of them

I believe the key use case for cancelation here will be when we are
chewing on potentially infinite streams of events (probably backed by
IO) where we want to chew until we're asked to shut down, and want to
get as much parallelism as we can cheaply.  Which suggests to me the
intersection between order-sensitive stream pipelines and cancelable
stream pipelines is going to be pretty small indeed.

Anyone want to add to this model of use cases for cancelation?

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