Zakharov, Vladimir
Vladimir.Zakharov at
Mon Feb 18 20:06:12 PST 2013
Sounds reasonable. "forEachWithCancel", perhaps "forEachUntilCancelled" (either works as it implies an external actor doing the cancellation).
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-----Original Message-----
From: lambda-libs-spec-experts-bounces at [mailto:lambda-libs-spec-experts-bounces at] On Behalf Of Brian Goetz
Sent: Monday, February 18, 2013 3:51 PM
To: lambda-libs-spec-experts at
Subject: forEachUntil
Based on further user feedback, I think the name forEachUntil is too
confusing; it makes people (including some members of this expert group)
think that it is supposed to be an encounter-based limiting operation,
rather than an externally-based cancelling operation. Until seems to be
inextricably linked in people's minds to encounter order, with all the
attendant confusion. People seem more able to understand cancellation,
and in particular to understand that cancellation is usually a
cooperative, best-efforts thing rather than the deterministic
content-based limiting that people have in mind.
Accordingly, I think we should rename to "forEachWithCancel", which is
more suggestive (and, secondarily, the ugly name subtly reinforces that
it serves uncommon use cases.)
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