Joe Bowbeer
joe.bowbeer at
Thu Feb 21 08:38:31 PST 2013
I was reposting Kevin's earlier question and idea. Delimited with "".
On Feb 21, 2013 8:27 AM, "Brian Goetz" <brian.goetz at> wrote:
> On the other hand, a big argument in favor of this is the simplicity of
> building our spliterator() on iterator(). Having stream() have different
> behavior than iterator() would be weird.
> The iterator() method might do one of:
> A: give you a fresh iterator every time
> B: give you the same iterator every time
> C: throw
> With the implementation as proposed, the behavior of stream() in these
> cases would be:
> A: give you a fresh stream every time
> B: give you a fresh stream, but which end up sharing the common Iterator
> C: throw
> B leads to unpredictable results, but no more nasty than any other case
> where B happens.
> (Joe's idea is a good guideline for writing iterator() methods anyway,
> maybe we should put that into the doc as a suggestion, asking classes that
> don't behave this way to be polite and document their deviant behavior.)
> On 2/21/2013 11:14 AM, Joe Bowbeer wrote:
>> When this question was raised 2 weeks ago, you asked:
>> ""
>> Can we make our best attempt to specify better than
>> Iterable.iterator() was?
>> I haven't worked out how to say this yet, but the idea is:
>> - If at all possible to ensure that each call to stream() returns an
>> actual working and independent stream, you really really should do that.
>> - If that's just not possible, the second call to stream() really really
>> should throw ISE.
>> ""
>> Is this something we should address? There was no discussion about this
>> last time.
>> On Feb 21, 2013 8:07 AM, "Kevin Bourrillion" <kevinb at
>> <mailto:kevinb at>> wrote:
>> 1. Yes please.
>> 2. And this time I won't hijack the thread.
>> On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 7:44 AM, Brian Goetz <brian.goetz at
>> <mailto:brian.goetz at**>> wrote:
>> Currently we define stream() and parallelStream() on Collection,
>> with defaults like:
>> default Stream<E> stream() {
>> return
>> () -> Streams.spliterator(iterator()**__, size(),
>> Spliterator.SIZED),
>> Spliterator.SIZED);
>> }
>> In other words, if a Collection does not override stream(), it
>> gets the stream based on the iterator.
>> It has been suggested that we could move stream/parallelStream()
>> up to Iterable. They could use an almost identical default,
>> except that they don't know the SIZED flag. (The default in
>> Collection would stay, so existing inheritors of the Collection
>> default wouldn't see any difference. (This is why default
>> methods are virtual.))
>> Several people have asked why not move these to Iterable, since
>> some APIs return "Iterable" as a least-common-denominator
>> aggregate type, and this would allow those APIs to participate
>> in the stream fun. There are also a handful of other types that
>> implement Iterable, such as Path (Iterable<Path>) and
>> DirectoryStream (where we'd added an entries() method, but that
>> would just then become stream()).
>> The sole downside is that it creates (yet another) external
>> dependency from java.lang.Iterable -- now to
>> Thoughts?
>> --
>> Kevin Bourrillion | Java Librarian | Google, Inc. |kevinb at
>> <mailto:kevinb at>
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