Code review request

Remi Forax forax at
Tue Feb 26 05:50:11 PST 2013

On 02/25/2013 06:31 PM, Paul Sandoz wrote:
> Hi Remi,
> Thanks for the feedback i have addressed some of this, mostly related to inner classes, in following change set to the lambda repo:
> We can update the webrev next week.

<nitpicking mode="on">

There are still some methods that are declared 'default public' and some 
that are declared just with 'default'.

I propose the following code convention for abstract/default method in 
All methods in interface are marked public (just because we may support 
private static method in jdk9),
default method should be 'public default' and not 'default public', like 
we have public static, visibility modifier first,
and abstract methods in the same interface should be declared only 'public'.


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