Collector / Collectors
Brian Goetz
brian.goetz at
Tue Jun 25 13:26:35 PDT 2013
Here's the review comments we got. Most have already been dealt with.
One additional suggestion for a new Collector (transforming) comes out
of this.
From Mike:
- Need extra disclaimers on summingDouble/averagingDouble. Done.
From Sam:
- Fix the examples where things have changed to Optional. Done. See [1]
From Joe:
- <code> tags leaking into output. This turns out to be a Javadoc bug
when you have a @link to a class that is not present. Will not appear
in final output.
- Example section repeated between Collector and Collectors. I think
this is OK; users may land on either first, and I think these examples
are important. Sadly Javadoc has no normal form.
- General spec nits (some addressed already, others will be addressed
in final pass).
From Remi:
- I don't understand how to create a Collector instead of forEach in
this case:
ConcurrentHashMap<String, LongAdder> map
= new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
.forEach( arg -> map.computeIfAbsent(arg, k -> new
LongAdder()).increment() ); See [2]
[1] After changing the example:
* Map<Department, Employee> highestPaidByDept
* =
* Map<Department, Optional<Employee>> highestPaidByDept
* =
this suggests we might want a combinator to add a post-function to an
existing Collector, such as:
<T,A,R,U> Collector<T,A,U>
transforming(Collector<T,A,R> collector,
Function<R,U> transformer)
that can be used in the downstream of a groupingBy to transform away the
Optional at the end:
transforming(maxBy(...), Optional::get))
THis way, the user can get a Map<Department, Employee> rather than a
Map<Departhment, Optional<Employee>>.
[2] This can be done, but it involves boxing.
Collector<Long, LongAdder, LongAdder> c =
(a, v) -> a.increment(),
(a, b) -> /* merge LongAdder tables by key */);
ConcurrentMap<String, LongAdder> map
= stream.collect(groupingByConcurrent(Function.identity(), c));
On 6/25/2013 4:01 PM, Brian Goetz wrote:
> I've closed the survey. You can see responses here:
> I'll be summarizing and responding to these soon.
> On 6/18/2013 11:58 AM, Brian Goetz wrote:
>> I think I may (finally!) have a final API candidate for Collector /
>> Collectors. Updated docs here:
>> Salient recent changes:
>> - Incorporation of finishing function into Collector
>> - Renamings in Collector API
>> - Morph toStringBuilder, toStringJoiner into joining()
>> - Add prefix/suffix version of joining()
>> - Addition of summingBy{Int,Long,Double}
>> - Addition of averagingBy{Int,Long,Double}
>> - Rename toXxxSummaryStatistics to summarizingXxx
>> - no-see reducing, and minBy/maxBy collectors return Optional
>> - elimination of canned merger functions from API
>> Please review the API and spec. I have set up a SurveyMonkey with the
>> usual password to collect review comments at:
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