Simplifying sequential() / parallel()
Remi Forax
forax at
Fri Mar 22 07:53:02 PDT 2013
On 03/22/2013 03:07 PM, Joe Bowbeer wrote:
> Stateful programming has its issues but that ship has already sailed
> (in Java).
> The programs where these new expressions will live are full of state...
> With the introduction of streams, programmers and refactoring tools
> will be introducing the cool new expressions into existing code.
> (forEach is the groovy guy's for loop, right?)
> I don't want to create danger zones in the code where these
> transformations are accidents waiting to happen. Also think of the
> code maintainers trying to determine, as they are enhancing and
> debugging the code, where they are allowed to add state.
> Before, the existence of parallel() created a danger zone, but
> sequential() restored safety. That's an easy rule to understand.
> BTW, what are the rules in Scala and groovy?
> Joe
for Groovy, gpars the groovy parallel library doesn't allow stateful
you have too use special constructs like Agent for that.
> On Mar 22, 2013 9:33 AM, "Brian Goetz" <brian.goetz at
> <mailto:brian.goetz at>> wrote:
> The problem with stateful lambdas is that, unless one block of
> code has control over the entire pipeline, it is an accident
> waiting to happen.
> Let's say you receive a stream as a parameter:
> void foo(Stream s) { ... }
> and you want to do something that requires a stateful mapper:
> void foo(Stream s) {
> stateful ...)...
> }
> That's a bug already. Because you don't know that the stream you
> were passed in is sequential. But I doubt that people will
> remember, even most of the time, they need to do:
> s.sequential().map(... stateful ...)...
> instead. Won't happen.
> Stateful lambdas introduce the need for non-modular reasoning
> about stream pipelines (who created this? who will consume this?
> in what state was it created?). And, it has all the same
> self-deception problems as thread-safety. People convince
> themselves "I don't need to think about synchronization because no
> one will ever use this object concurrently."
> So, while I sympathize with the desire to let people say "I know
> that this entire stream pipeline has been carefully controlled
> such as to not have statefulness distort its results", I think in
> reality, this will quickly turn into "statefulness is OK" in most
> people's minds. With the attended inevitable foot-shooting.
> On 3/21/2013 9:57 PM, Joe Bowbeer wrote:
> I'm traveling now and won't be able to respond promptly but
> this topic
> has been raised a couple of times already. Feel free to copy
> and paste
> my response from previous discussions:)
> Rephrasing, I'm OK with non-interference but I object to banning
> stateful in sequential ops.
> I think there should be a one-one correspondence between any
> for loop
> and a sequential forEach.
> Can you compare your restrictions with those in Scala and
> Groovy? Scala
> in particular, because it is more strictly defined, and I'm
> pretty sure
> I've combined stateful expressions with functional forms in
> Scala, to
> good effect. (One of the benefits of being multi-paradigmatic?)
> In addition, I'm wary of the new form of forEach. If anything,
> I'd like
> its name to be simpler, e.g., each, not longer.
> Joe
> On Mar 21, 2013 3:48 PM, "Brian Goetz" <brian.goetz at
> <mailto:brian.goetz at>
> <mailto:brian.goetz at
> <mailto:brian.goetz at>>> wrote:
> Doug and I have been revisiting sequential() and
> parallel(). I
> think there's a nice simplification here.
> The original motivation for sequential() was because we
> originally
> had .into(collection), and many collections were not
> thread-safe so
> we needed a means to bring the computation back to the current
> thread. The .sequential() method did that, but it also
> brought back
> a constraint of encounter ordering with it, because if
> people did:
> stuff.parallel().map(...).__sequential().into(new
> ArrayList<>());
> not respecting encounter order would violate the principle
> of least
> astonishment.
> So the original motivation for sequential() was "bring the
> computation back to the current thread, in order." This
> was doable,
> but has a high price -- a full barrier where we buffer the
> contents
> of the entire stream before doing any forEach'ing.
> Most of the time, sequential() only appears right before the
> terminal operation. But, once implemented, there was no
> reason to
> constrain this to appear right before the forEach/into, so
> we didn't.
> Once we discovered a need for .parallel(), it made sense
> it be the
> dual of .sequential() -- fully unconstrained. And again, the
> implementation wasn't *that* bad -- better than
> .sequential(). But
> again, the most desirable position for .parallel() is
> right after
> the source.
> Then we killed into() and replaced it with reduction,
> which is a
> much smarter way of managing ordering. Eliminating half the
> justification for .sequential().
> As far as I can tell, the remaining use cases for
> .sequential() are
> just modifiers to forEach to constrain it, in order, to
> the current
> thread.
> As in:
> ints().parallel().filter(i -> isPrime(i))
> .sequential().forEach(System.__out::println)
> Which could be replaced by
> .__forEachSequentialAndOrderedInC__urrentThread(), with a
> suitably
> better name. Which could further be simplified to ditch
> the "in
> current thread" part by doing some locking in the
> implementation,
> which brings us to .forEachOrdered(action). Which nicely
> complements .collectUnordered, and the two actually stand
> better
> with their duals present (reduce is by default ordered;
> forEach is
> by default unordered.)
> The "put it anywhere" behavior of .parallel was completely
> bootstrapped on the "put it anywhere" nature of
> .sequential; we
> never really set out to support transitions in the API.
> So, pulling the rug out from under the house of cards, I
> think we
> can fall back to:
> 1. Modify semantics of .sequential and .parallel to apply
> globally
> to the entire pipeline. This works because pipelines are
> fully lazy
> anyway, so we don't commit to seq-ness/par-ness until we
> hit the
> terminal op. So they are functional versions of "set the
> seq/par
> bit in the source". And that simplifies the specification of
> seq/par down to a single property of the entire pipeline
> -- much
> easier to spec.
> 2. Add .forEachOrdered. For sequential streams, this is just
> .forEach. For par streams, we use a lock to avoid concurrent
> invocation of the lambda, and loosen up the current
> behavior from
> "full barrier" to "partial barrier", so that when the next
> chunk is
> available, we can start working right away. This is easy to
> accomplish using the existing AbstractTask machinery.
> Before we go there, does anyone have use cases for
> .sequential() /
> .parallel() that *don't* put the parallel right after the
> source, or
> the sequential right before a forEach?
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