Review Request: CR#8001634 : Initial set of lambda functional interfaces

Stephen Colebourne scolebourne at
Thu Nov 1 07:55:07 PDT 2012

I agree with the dislike for Mapper, it will be confusing given Map.
I prefer Transformer (as per commons-collections).

Project would be a bad choice as it reads like a project manager's
project, not 'to project' (which is a subtle difference in English
less likely to transfer to non-English speakers)


On 1 November 2012 14:16, Brian Goetz <brian.goetz at> wrote:
> And this is made worse by the fact that Mapper becomes the de-facto
> "Function" (or maybe this is the central problem with it; if it were used
> only in map(...) calls you probably wouldn't have noticed.)
> On the other end of the spectrum, I am still pretty negative on "Fun" and
> "Function" for reasons we've already discussed.
> So, what are the alternatives in the middle that might work?
>   Transform(er)
>   Project{ion,or}
>   more?
> On 11/1/2012 7:58 AM, Doug Lea wrote:
>> My main non-technical reaction is that more I see "Mapper",
>> the more I hate it. It interacts awfully especially with Maps.
>> "Fun" (with lots of precedent in other languages) would
>> be fine. Even "Function" would be fine.
>> -Doug

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