Joe Bowbeer
joe.bowbeer at gmail.com
Tue Nov 13 10:41:56 PST 2012
A few notes related to analogous features:
I suspect that most Java programmers using these new features will be more
familiar with similar features in Groovy than any other language.
Groovy has collect{} and flatten() but no flatCollect{} shorthand for
One form of flatten takes a closure, by the way:
FWIW, here are examples of list flattening in many languages:
On Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 10:07 AM, Brian Goetz <brian.goetz at oracle.com>wrote:
> That's the obvious answer...like I said, it's just not the right answer
> here. (It can be a convenience layer built atop of a more flexible
> primitive, though.) Try writing something like "break a string into words"
> using the flatMap(Mapper<T,Stream<T>>), or more generally anything that
> naturally yields up elements one at a time.) Also the Mapper<T,Stream<T>>
> is going to be a lot less efficient. Like I said, it can be part of the
> answer, but it is absolutely the wrong primitive.
> Java isn't Scala. What works in Scala libraries may well not work in Java
> libraries, because the language is different. So the "right" answer in one
> language is not necessarily the right answer in another. (Related example:
> if you have tuples, a method like "partition(Predicate)" is more natural
> than if you don't. So the partition method is a no-brainer in Scala but
> entails far more tradeoffs in Java, and might be on the other side of the
> line for that reason.)
> On 11/13/2012 12:33 PM, Sam Pullara wrote:
>> Honestly I would have expected only a single shape for flatMap:
>> Stream<V> flatMap(Mapper<T, Stream<V>>)
>> Where the result is a concatenation of the Streams returned. Kind of
>> like doing a map from T to Stream<V> ending up with a Stream<Stream<V>>
>> and then calling flatten() on that Stream. Is this not the normal
>> definition? Here is the definition from Scala:
>> defflatMap[B](f: (A) ⇒ GenTraversableOnce
>> <http://www.scala-lang.org/**archives/downloads/distrib/**
>> files/nightly/docs/library/**scala/collection/**GenTraversableOnce.html<http://www.scala-lang.org/archives/downloads/distrib/files/nightly/docs/library/scala/collection/GenTraversableOnce.html>
>> >[B]):
>> Traversable
>> <http://www.scala-lang.org/**archives/downloads/distrib/**
>> files/nightly/docs/library/**scala/collection/Traversable.**html<http://www.scala-lang.org/archives/downloads/distrib/files/nightly/docs/library/scala/collection/Traversable.html>
>> >[B]
>> [use case]
>> Builds a new collection by applying a function to all elements of this
>> traversable collection and using the elements of the resulting
>> collections.
>> For example:
>> def getWords(lines:Seq[String]):**Seq[String] = lines flatMap (line=>
>> line split"\\W+ <smb://W+>")
>> The type of the resulting collection is guided by the static type of
>> traversable collection. This might cause unexpected results sometimes.
>> For example:
>> // lettersOf will return a Seq[Char] of likely repeated letters, instead
>> of a Set
>> def lettersOf(words:Seq[String]) = words flatMap (word=> word.toSet)
>> // lettersOf will return a Set[Char], not a Seq
>> def lettersOf(words:Seq[String]) = words.toSet flatMap (word=>
>> word.toSeq)
>> // xs will be a an Iterable[Int]
>> val xs =Map("a" ->List(11,111),"b" ->List(22,222)).flatMap(_._2)
>> // ys will be a Map[Int, Int]
>> val ys =Map("a" ->List(1 ->11,1 ->111),"b" ->List(2 ->22,2
>> ->222)).flatMap(_._2)
>> B
>> the element type of the returned collection.
>> f
>> the function to apply to each element.
>> returns
>> a new traversable collection resulting from applying the given
>> collection-valued function |f| to each element of this traversable
>> collection and concatenating the results.
>> Definition Classes
>> TraversableLike
>> <http://www.scala-lang.org/**archives/downloads/distrib/**
>> files/nightly/docs/library/**scala/collection/**TraversableLike.html<http://www.scala-lang.org/archives/downloads/distrib/files/nightly/docs/library/scala/collection/TraversableLike.html>>
>> →
>> GenTraversableLike
>> <http://www.scala-lang.org/**archives/downloads/distrib/**
>> files/nightly/docs/library/**scala/collection/**GenTraversableLike.html<http://www.scala-lang.org/archives/downloads/distrib/files/nightly/docs/library/scala/collection/GenTraversableLike.html>>
>> →
>> FilterMonadic
>> <http://www.scala-lang.org/**archives/downloads/distrib/**
>> files/nightly/docs/library/**scala/collection/generic/**
>> FilterMonadic.html<http://www.scala-lang.org/archives/downloads/distrib/files/nightly/docs/library/scala/collection/generic/FilterMonadic.html>
>> >
>> Sam
>> On Nov 13, 2012, at 7:42 AM, Brian Goetz <brian.goetz at oracle.com
>> <mailto:brian.goetz at oracle.com**>> wrote:
>> The things I found awkward using in the kata were flatMap
>>> This is a complaint we received over and over again in the "Hack Day"
>>> sessions -- it is pretty clear we are not there yet on flatMap.
>>> 1. It is not obvious flatMap is the best name, as it sets
>>> expectations for Scala users that will not be met. Perhaps mapMulti?
>>> explode?
>>> 2. The API form is definitely not there yet. But, the "obvious"
>>> suggestion is clearly wrong. Assume for sake of argument that there
>>> will be only one version of flatMap. What everyone thinks it should
>>> look like (after a few seconds of thought) is:
>>> Stream<T> flatMap(Mapper<T, Collection<T>>)
>>> But, this is awful (except when you already happen to have a
>>> Collection lying around, which will be sometimes but by no means all
>>> of the time.) This forces (a) the client to create and populate a
>>> Collection in the lambda (yuck!), usually an extra collection to be
>>> created even when the element maps to nothing, and then forces an
>>> iteration (with Iterator) on the other side. So, in the case where
>>> there's no collection lying around, the client code is larger, uglier,
>>> and in any case the whole thing is significantly slower. The current
>>> version has a very nice property: when the element maps to nothing,
>>> there's no work to do.
>>> This is further challenging because of erasure. If we had:
>>> Stream<T> flatMap(Mapper<T, Collection<T>>)
>>> we might also want
>>> Stream<T> flatMap(Mapper<T, T[]>)
>>> or
>>> Stream<T> flatMap(Mapper<T, Stream<T>>)
>>> or
>>> Stream<T> flatMap(Mapper<T, Streamable<T>>)
>>> But, we can't overload these since their erasure is all "Mapper".
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