Primitive streams and optional
Tim Peierls
tim at
Tue Nov 20 14:43:23 PST 2012
What happened to min(int defval)? That way the library doesn't have to
decide on a good default, but the user can.
On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 5:14 PM, Brian Goetz <brian.goetz at> wrote:
> We're working through implementing the primitive specialization of streams
> now. So far, its pretty straightforward; many of the ops on reference
> streams have an obvious analogue (e.g., filter, map, forEach), and many are
> just not applicable (e.g., into, since there are no primitive collections.)
> There are also a number of additional methods that make sense on primitive
> streams, such as sum(). (You can see the work in progress in the lambda
> repo.)
> The tricky ones are the ones that return some sort of Optional. For sum()
> there is an obvious value to return if there are no elements in the stream
> (zero), but for min/max/average, it would require more distortion to avoid
> optionality. We can't expect users to know a priori whether the stream is
> empty. Example:
> int firstOrderNumber
> customers.flatMap(c -> /* c.orders */)
> .map(o -> o.getOrderId())
> .min();
> The options are:
> - throw NSEE
> - make up a bad default (e.g., MAX_VALUE for min)
> - return an Optional<Integer>
> - return an OptionalInt
> The first two are pretty bad, and are asymmetric to the reference streams.
> Creating N new OptionalXxx classes is kind of annoying and bloaty.
> (There's an argument to be made for "Well, we're boxing once at the end
> anyway, boxing twice with Optional<Integer> isn't terrible.") Though I
> suspect that will be an ongoing irritant. Are there other "options"?
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