Encounter order

Andrey Breslav andrey.breslav at jetbrains.com
Thu Oct 25 22:58:07 PDT 2012

>>> void forEach(Block<? super T> block);
>>> This is only about side effects, so encounter order shouldn't enter
>>> into the calculation.  Elements are fed to the block in whatever order
>>> and thread they are available.
>> But do we guarantee the ordering of effects for sequential
>> implementation? Just curious about what would the JavaDoc say for this
>> method.
> Good question.  What do you think we should guarantee here?  (Its 
> pretty hard to imagine an implementation that doesn't do this, but 
> that's a different consideration.)  I do think it is reasonable for us 
> to say that the effects are predictable in serial and not predictable 
> in parallel -- this is different from the *result*.
I think we should guarantee that forEach() has effects in the iteration 
order for the serial case. What I wanted to point out was that we will 
say things like "in serial ... in  parallel" for the generic Stream 
interface which is supposed to be abstracting these things away. Not 
that I thought that it is very bad.
>>> Given this, my recommendation is:
>>>  - Have all the problematic (sort, uniqueElements, groupBy, reduceBy)
>>> ops respect encounter order even though it may be expensive
>>>  - Provide an .unordered() op for people to opt out of the encounter
>>> order when they know they don't care.
>>>  - Impute encounter order if we need one and there isn't one (rather
>>> than throwing)
>> Overall, looks good to me.
>> Maybe groupBy and reduceBy aren't worth the trouble: at least if
>> something returns a Map, IMO nobody expects ordering in this map.
>> Collections in groupBy are a different story: this is very much like
>> stable sorting.
> People don't expect ordering of the *keys*, and that's fine.  What I 
> was talking about was ordering of the values, since the Map returned 
> is a Map<K, Collection<V>>.
Your reduceBy() looked like this:

<U, W> Map<U, W> reduceBy(...)

no collections anywhere. Was that a mistake?

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