Whither FlatMapper?

Sam Pullara sam at sampullara.com
Sun Apr 7 16:01:48 PDT 2013

I'm a big fan of the current FlatMapper stuff that takes a Consumer. Much
more efficient and straightforward when you don't have a stream or
collection to just return. Here is some code that uses 3 of them for good


On Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 3:47 PM, Brian Goetz <brian.goetz at oracle.com> wrote:

> I started to work through the survey comments on FlatMapper, which
> amounted to "hate the name", "need more examples", "hard to understand."
>  As I started to write more examples, and consider some of the things that
> have changed in the implementation recently, I am starting to think that
> maybe now we *can* actually get away with only the "obvious" (but still
> less performant) form.
> What people think they want is:
>   flatMap(T -> Stream<U>)
> And, in a perfect world, they would be right.  The reason this has
> historically been a bad fit is that the performance cost of this version
> over the "explicit" version was enormous.  (It was merely bad for the "I
> already have a collection lying around" case, but horrible for the "I am
> generating values" case.)
> But, a lot has happened recently in the implementation.  Previously, each
> *iteration* would have generated a Spliterator, a Supplier<Spliterator>, a
> Pipeline, a PipelineHelper, and a ForEachTask -- just to pass the values
> down the stream.  Since then, the supplier and helper are gone, the
> spliterator can likely be merged with the pipeline, and the forEach
> eliminated in most cases.  And there is still quite a bit more running room
> to further decrease the cost of building small streams.  There's a dozen
> small things we can do -- many implementation-only, but some are small API
> additions (such as singletonStream(T)) -- to bring this cost down further.
> Even with the general forms available, almost no one understands how they
> work, and even those who figure it out still can't figure out why they
> would want it.  The pretty version is just so attractive that no one is
> willing to believe that it is painfully slow compared to the ugly version.
>  Given that this adds seven new SAMs (a significant fraction of the public
> API surface area of java.util.stream), I'm having second thoughts on
> including these now.
> So, concrete proposal:
>  - Drop all FlatMapper.* SAMs;
>  - Drop all forms of flatMap(FlatMapper*)
>  - Add back flatMapToXxx(Function<T, XxxStream) to Stream

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