Possible groupingBy simplification?
Joe Bowbeer
joe.bowbeer at gmail.com
Wed Apr 10 12:45:34 PDT 2013
Looks good. I like the retention of the simple forms, and the telescopes.
On Apr 10, 2013 11:11 AM, "Brian Goetz" <brian.goetz at oracle.com> wrote:
> After staring at groupingBy and toMap for a while, I think there's a nice
> middle ground which should address the key use cases while reducing a
> little bit of the "which one do I use":
> groupingBy(f)
> groupingBy(f, downstreamCollector)
> groupingBy(f, mapSupplier, downstreamCollector)
> toMap(keyFn, valFn)
> toMap(keyFn, valFn, mergeFn)
> toMap(keyFn, valFn, mergeFn, mapSupplier)
> This cuts variants of each from 4 to 3, but more importantly, orders them
> into a nice telescoping set.
> Those wanting the groupingBy(f, mapSUpplier) version should be able to
> figure out easily (with aid from doc) that they can use groupingBy(f,
> mapSUpplier, toList()).
> On 4/10/2013 1:10 PM, Remi Forax wrote:
>> Joe,
>> collect(toList(), groupingBy(f));
>> => how do you express the fact that you may want to group in cascade ?
>> collect(groupingBy(f)).toList(**)
>> => what is the resulting type of collect(groupingBy(f)) ?
>> is it a super-type of Stream ?
>> Brian,
>> I'm fine with the proposed changes.
>> Rémi
>> On 04/10/2013 06:42 PM, Joe Bowbeer wrote:
>>> Correction: All the grouping(f) should be groupingBy(f)
>>> On Apr 10, 2013 9:37 AM, "Joe Bowbeer" <joe.bowbeer at gmail.com
>>> <mailto:joe.bowbeer at gmail.com>**> wrote:
>>> For consistency with minBy and friends, all the 'By' methods
>>> should take a single argument: f. Hence grouping(f).
>>> No-arg and one-arg forms are the easiest to use and maintain. Just
>>> the additional comma, and which pair of parens contains it, is a
>>> significant burden.
>>> The most readable forms of collect that have an explicit toList()
>>> would be of the form:
>>> collect(grouping(f)).toList();
>>> or maybe
>>> collect(toList(), groupingBy(f));
>>> Joe
>>> On Apr 10, 2013 2:35 AM, "Paul Sandoz" <paul.sandoz at oracle.com
>>> <mailto:paul.sandoz at oracle.com**>> wrote:
>>> On Apr 9, 2013, at 11:56 PM, Joe Bowbeer
>>> <joe.bowbeer at gmail.com <mailto:joe.bowbeer at gmail.com>**> wrote:
>>> > I like the most popular form. In fact, I think it's the
>>> only one that I've
>>> > used.
>>> >
>>> > The argument that users will gain by removing their most
>>> common form seems
>>> > kind of far-fetched.
>>> >
>>> If each method in Collectors does just one conceptual thing we
>>> can concisely express in documentation it is easier to
>>> remember and therefore easier to read the code, easier to find
>>> in documentation be it using the IDE or otherwise. Thus to me
>>> that suggests removing conceptual variants or renaming them.
>>> If the list variants were called say groupingByToList that
>>> would ensure the "one conceptual thing": classifies elements
>>> by key, and collects elements associated with that key to a
>>> list. But i suspect we might not require those methods if the
>>> leap of stream.collector(toList()) can be grasped.
>>> The same applies to toMap. I think it is easier to
>>> understand/read if it does just one conceptual thing: elements
>>> are keys, elements are mapped to values, conflicting keys
>>> result in an exception. If that does not fit ones requirements
>>> use groupingBy.
>>> Paul.
>>> > In my experience, I do a ctrl-space and look for my target
>>> return type on
>>> > the right-hand-side of the IDE popup, and then I try to fill
>>> in the missing
>>> > information, such as parameters. In this case, having to
>>> provide toList()
>>> > would probably be a stumbling block for me, as the IDE is
>>> not as good when
>>> > it comes to suggesting expressions for parameters.
>>> >
>>> > I sort of like the symmetry with collect(toList()) but not
>>> enough to make
>>> > up for the loss.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 2:16 PM, Brian Goetz
>>> <brian.goetz at oracle.com <mailto:brian.goetz at oracle.com**>>
>>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> >> Paul suggested the following possible simplification for
>>> groupingBy. It
>>> >> is somewhat counterintuitive at first glance, in that it
>>> removes the most
>>> >> commonly used form (!), but might make things easier to
>>> grasp in the long
>>> >> run (aided by good docs.)
>>> >>
>>> >> Recall we currently have four forms of groupingBy:
>>> >>
>>> >> // classifier only -- maps keys to list of matching
>>> elements
>>> >> Collector<T, Map<K, List<T>>>
>>> >> groupingBy(Function<? super T, ? extends K> classifier)
>>> >>
>>> >> // Like above, but with explicit map ctor
>>> >> <T, K, M extends Map<K, List<T>>>
>>> >> Collector<T, M>
>>> >> groupingBy(Function<? super T, ? extends K> classifier,
>>> >> Supplier<M> mapFactory)
>>> >>
>>> >> // basic cascaded form
>>> >> Collector<T, Map<K, D>>
>>> >> groupingBy(Function<? super T, ? extends K> classifier,
>>> >> Collector<T, D> downstream)
>>> >>
>>> >> // cascaded form with explicit ctor
>>> >> <T, K, D, M extends Map<K, D>>
>>> >> Collector<T, M>
>>> >> groupingBy(Function<? super T, ? extends K> classifier,
>>> >> Supplier<M> mapFactory,
>>> >> Collector<T, D> downstream)
>>> >>
>>> >> Plus four corresponding forms for groupingByConcurrent.
>>> >>
>>> >> The first form is likely to be the most common, as it is
>>> the traditional
>>> >> "group by". It is equivalent to:
>>> >>
>>> >> groupingBy(classifier, toList());
>>> >>
>>> >> The proposal is: Drop the first two forms. Just as users
>>> can learn that
>>> >> to collect elements into a list, you do:
>>> >>
>>> >> collect(toList())
>>> >>
>>> >> people can learn that to do the simple form of groupBy, you
>>> can do:
>>> >>
>>> >> collect(groupingBy(f, toList());
>>> >>
>>> >> Which also reads perfectly well.
>>> >>
>>> >> By cutting the number of forms in half, it helps users to
>>> realize that
>>> >> groupingBy does just one thing -- classifies elements by
>>> key, and collects
>>> >> elements associated with that key. Obviously the docs for
>>> groupingBy can
>>> >> show examples of the simple grouping as well as more
>>> sophisticated
>>> >> groupings.
>>> >>
>>> >>
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