Internal and External truncation conditions

Zhong Yu zhong.j.yu at
Sun Feb 10 08:30:33 PST 2013

On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 7:12 AM, Doug Lea <dl at> wrote:
> On 02/09/13 18:24, Remi Forax wrote:
>> if forEachUntil takes a function that return a boolean, it's easy.
>> try (BufferedReader r = Files.newBufferedReader(path,
>> Charset.defaultCharset())) {
>>    return r.lines().parallel().forEachWhile(element -> {
>>       if (regex.matcher(line).matches()) {
>>         return false;
>>       }
>>       ...process the line
>>       return true;
>>     }
>> }
> Which then becomes a variant of what I do in ConcurrentHashMap
> search{InParallel,Sequentially}, that applies to not only this
> but several other usage contexts:
>     /**
>      * Returns a non-null result from applying the given search
>      * function on each (key, value), or null if none.  Upon
>      * success, further element processing is suppressed and the
>      * results of any other parallel invocations of the search
>      * function are ignored.
>      *
>      * @param searchFunction a function returning a non-null
>      * result on success, else null
>      * @return a non-null result from applying the given search
>      * function on each (key, value), or null if none
>      */
> You'd use this here with a function that processed if
> a match (returning null) else returning the first non-match.
> Or rework in any of a couple of ways to similar effect.
> This works well in CHM because of its nullness policy.
> Which allows only this single method to serve as the basis
> for all possible short-circuit/cancel applications.
> It is so handy when nulls cannot be actual elements
> that it might be worth supporting instead of forEachUntil?
> People using it  would need to ensure non-null elements.
> Just a thought.

null is fine if we use Optional

    Optional<R> search(Function<T,Optional<R>)

> While I'm at it:
> Sam seems to be asking for asynchronous cancellation of bulk
> operations. I can't get myself to appreciate the utility of
> doing this. JDK/j.u.c supports several other ways (especially
> including the upcoming CompletableFutures) to carefully yet
> relatively conveniently arrange/manage cancellation, especially
> in IO-related contexts in which they most often arise. None
> of them explicitly address bulk computations (although any
> of them can do a bulk computation within a task). This is
> a feature, not a bug. If you are processing lots
> of elements, then only you know the responsiveness vs
> overhead tradeoffs of checking for async cancel status.
> Requiring that all Stream bulk computations like reduce
> continuously check for async cancel status between each
> per-element operation is unlikely to satisfy anyone at all,
> yet seems to be the only defensible option if we were to
> support it.
> -Doug

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