Reducing reduce

Paul Sandoz paul.sandoz at
Mon Feb 11 09:43:09 PST 2013

On Feb 11, 2013, at 6:12 PM, Brian Goetz <brian.goetz at Oracle.COM> wrote:

> Thanks, Joe.  I knew I was missing some use cases.  This is definitely a case where the fused version is more efficient, since it can elide some work based on the previous comparison state.

And efficiency wise it would be nice to avoid the boxed().


> On 2/11/2013 11:57 AM, Joe Bowbeer wrote:
>> My parallel string-compare sample provides two implementations (below).
>> Will both of these survive your changes?
>> <>
>>   int  compareMapReduce(String  s1,  String  s2)  {
>>     assert  s1.length()  ==  s2.length();
>>     return  intRange(0,  s1.length()).parallel()
>>         .map(i  ->  compare(s1.charAt(i),  s2.charAt(i)))
>>         .reduce(0,  (l,  r)  ->  (l  !=  0)  ?  l  :  r);
>>   }
>>   int  compareBoxedReduce(String  s1,  String  s2)  {
>>     assert  s1.length()  ==  s2.length();
>>     return  intRange(0,  s1.length()).parallel().boxed()
>>         .reduce(0,  (l,  i)  ->  (l  !=  0)  ?  l  :  compare(s1.charAt(i),  s2.charAt(i)),
>>                    (l,  r)  ->  (l  !=  0)  ?  l  :  r);
>>   }

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