Code review request

Tim Peierls tim at
Sat Feb 23 09:06:05 PST 2013

On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 2:17 PM, Brian Goetz <brian.goetz at> wrote:

> At
> I've posted a webrev for about half the classes in None
> of these are public classes, so there are no public API issues here, but
> plenty of internal API issues, naming issues (ooh, a bikeshed), and code
> quality issues.

Things I noticed before I ran out of steam:

In AbstractTask<P_IN, P_OUT, R, T> the use of multicharacter type
parameters is confusing, especially with an underscore. AbstractTask<S, T,
R, C>, <T, U, R, C>, or even <K, V, R, T> would be better.

BiBlock -> BiConsumer in comments.


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