Word Chain Kata
Joe Bowbeer
joe.bowbeer at gmail.com
Mon Jan 14 14:54:24 PST 2013
I wrote a Java8 version of the Word Chains problem from codekata.pragprog.com.
Mercurial Project: https://bitbucket.org/joebowbeer/wordchainkata
The interesting parallel piece is the method below that finds all the
words that are adjacent to a given word:
protected Collection<String> findNeighbors(String word) {
return words.parallelStream().filter(s -> adjacent(s,
word)).into(new ArrayDeque<String>());
Where words is a set of n-letter words (obtained from
icon.shef.ac.uk/Moby/mwords.html) and adjacency is defined as
differing in exactly one character.
This was developed in NetBeans build #1605 for jdk8lambda and compiles
and runs on jdklambda b72. I'll update this once the replacement for
into() makes it into the binary snapshot...
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