Hermetic Java (static image packaging/formatting) investigation and proposal
Florian Weimer
fweimer at redhat.com
Tue Feb 14 09:03:12 UTC 2023
* Jiangli Zhou:
> On Mon, Feb 13, 2023 at 1:58 AM Florian Weimer <fweimer at redhat.com> wrote:
> * Jiangli Zhou:
> > 1. The executable image (see slide #10 ofa [1]) consists of three
> > sections: the ELF executable section (see slide #14), the JDK runtime
> > section (see slide #20, #21) and the JAR section (see slide #22).
> These sections are not ELF sections, right?
> Just to clarify that the ELF sections you referred to in the above are
> the sections within an ELF file
> (e.g. https://manpages.debian.org/stretch/manpages/elf.5.en.html), if
> my understanding is correct. The sections described for a hermetic
> Java image are indeed not ELF sections in that sense. An ELF file as a
> whole is encapsulated in the hermetic image at the beginning. We can
> use a better name (if ELF section may cause any confusions),
> e.g. executable section, to describe the section containing the ELF
> file.
I wouldn't use “section” or “segment” in this context if it's not about
the ELF constructs. ELF doesn't use “part” or “appendix” as
terminology, so that would work.
> [from further down the thread]
> > Yeah, the loadLibrary and friends need to be able look up built-in
> > libraries in the executable (within the image ELF section). The
> > existing JDK code is already able to handle built-in libraries
> > (partially). Please see more details for built-in native support in
> > earlier comments.
> I believe that will require a custom glibc patch that has not been
> upstreamed. I think Google's approach is here:
> <https://sourceware.org/git/?p=glibc.git;a=blob;f=dlfcn/dlopen.c;h=faf7a48ea71df186b3581235bffcc7a3692f1325;hb=refs/heads/google/grte/v5-2.27/master#l95>
> The loadLibrary work for built-in native libraries (with JDK static
> support) does not require the glibc patch for dlopen_with_offset.
Okay, but that means that Hotspot can't be re-linked or unbundled.
> There is a different proposed glibc interface for this:
> [PATCH v2 2/2] dlfcn,elf: implement dlmem() function [BZ #11767]
> <https://sourceware.org/pipermail/libc-alpha/2023-February/145476.html>
> Maybe you could check if that interface could serve your needs as well?
> Thanks for pointing to dlmem(). So it looks like we could read the DSO
> into a buffer then load with dlmem(). Cool! The build ID and symbol
> file mapping could still be problematic?
I don't think so, it's linked into the glibc dynamic loader data
structures like any other mapping. It probably depends on the tooling.
If it uses DT_DEBUG/_r_debug, it should be able to identify these
mappings even though they are not file-based. If the tooling uses
/proc/PID/maps and not _r_debug, that's of course a different matter.
Note that dlmem is just a proposed new interface for now.
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