[External] : Re: EA feedback

Calvin Cheung calvin.cheung at oracle.com
Tue Aug 20 16:46:59 UTC 2024

On 8/19/24 10:26 PM, Danny Thomas wrote:
> I created a reduced version of what we're seeing here:
> https://gist.github.com/DanielThomas/83eefaad41af33a071d9a9ee17ca8fe1 
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://gist.github.com/DanielThomas/83eefaad41af33a071d9a9ee17ca8fe1__;!!ACWV5N9M2RV99hQ!MtJRHiVk_i583hydhLE7sXfaYzbgUBlQV59Zl9BqWi3iTHM1Wj1EDJ4X0Y_6rZdFtKkLsaHIWRGH3j1PnfA$>
I could see the problem and filed the following bug:

A workaround is not to include the jars, which are in the Class-Path 
attribute, in the -cp.

The test passed with the following CP setting:


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