premain: negative lookup cache for class loaders

Sebastien Deleuze sebastien.deleuze at
Fri Jan 19 11:20:50 UTC 2024


The startup of a Spring Boot applications involves common
auto-configuration checks which would definitely benefit from negative
lookup caching at the ClassLoader level, quickly indicating which parts of
the infrastructure are not present at runtime.
Spring AOT optimizations can precompute those checks, but involve side
effects and constraints that probably mean we won't enable them by default
for the foreseeable future. The Spring codebase also contains various class
presence checks like the ones in WebMvcConfigurationSupport [1] that will
be performed regardless of Spring AOT optimizations, with typically more
negative lookups than positive ones.

Best regards,
Sébastien Deleuze


On Tue, Jan 16, 2024 at 5:57 PM David Lloyd <david.lloyd at> wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 11, 2024 at 4:15 PM John Rose <john.r.rose at> wrote:
>> [...] But, a *failed* lookup is not recorded anywhere. So every distinct
>> lookup must start again from first principles and fail all over again. For
>> some workloads this costs a small but measurable percentage of startup time.
>> The story is different for the local CONSTANT_Class entries in any given
>> classfile: The JVMS mandates that both successful and failed lookups are
>> recorded on the first attempt (per CP entry per se, not globally and not
>> per class). Global usage includes both use of Class.forName and the
>> “back end” logic for CP entry resolution. CP resolution is performed at
>> most once per CP entry, and (win or lose) is made sticky on the CP itself,
>> locally.
>> To summarize, we can say that, for class lookup, both success and
>> failure are “sticky” locally, and success is “sticky” globally, but failure
>> is “not sticky” globally.
> We have implemented a negative lookup cache in the past in certain of our
> middleware products' custom class loaders, and while they *can* help, I
> seem to recall that we had some trouble with cache explosion in some
> scenarios involving certain frameworks. We abandoned that approach quite a
> long time ago though in favor of a more optimized index-by-package scheme
> which ensures that all lookups, success or failure, run in (more or less)
> constant time, which had essentially eliminated the issue for us for that
> use case.
> FWIW I do think that it could be potentially nifty to constant-fold
> negative lookup cases where that is possible.
> --
> - DML • he/him

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