Class initialization in JEP 483
ioi.lam at
ioi.lam at
Fri Oct 4 05:29:58 UTC 2024
Hi John,
Thanks for your comments. I have a few responses in-line.
Also, to recap what we discussed in today's Leyden meeting, I am going
to see if it's possible to make all relevant classes AOT-initialized,
and thus avoid potential issues of startup-initialization.
More below ...
On 10/3/24 2:50 AM, John Rose wrote:
> On 2 Oct 2024, at 22:13, ioi.lam at wrote:
>> TL;DR
>> I want to discuss how Java classes are initialized as a part of the implementation of the up-coming JEP 483 [1].
>> This is by no means a clean design. It's a compromise due to the complexity of the Java classes, such as java.lang.invoke.*, that JEP 483 wants to optimize.
>> In the future, we can make thing much better by, perhaps, refactoring the Java classes.
>> Here, I want to get a consensus if the current implementation in JEP 483 is "good enough" to be integrated into the mainline.
> This is a useful analysis. Related to it, I have various ideas about “shaping” the JDK classes to cooperate better with the AOT cache, and also adding new checks to the JVM to help detect classes which are “not in good shape”. For now I hope we can determine correctness by inspection, and quickly follow up with work on (simple!) tools for validating the necessary assumptions. (Your email goes a long way towards clarifying what those necessary assumptions are.) That way maintainers won’t break the subtle init-order dependencies between java.base classes, with routine changes.
>> *(A) Background*
>> JEP 483 includes the AOT-linking of invokedynamic call sites. As a result, it becomes necessary for the AOT cache to store objects such as MethodTypes, as well as generated LambdaForm classes.
> I have a “stretch goal” in mind here: I think if we sort out the initialization of lambdas, MHs, MTs, LFs, and the rest of the indy infrastructure, we may understand the problem well enough to allow very early initialization of those system components. (And also, how to use the AOT cache to optimize their startup.) That in turn will enable us to use indy (and condy) with few or no restrictions on their usage. Recent JDK changes to convert lambdas to inner classes (or similar indy-avoidance tactics) will not be needed if indy is robustly initialized at an early point. But this requires mastering the bootstrap logic. Hence the stretch goal, since we are talking here about getting the bootstrap logic (specifically java.base init-order) under control.
>> A basic requirement for Java objects is --
>> when an object of type X becomes accessible by Java bytecodes, we must have at least started the initialization of X [2]. We want to preserve this behavior for cached objects, so we won't run into incompatibilities when using cached objects.
> This is an interesting principle. It is normally true apart from the AOT cache, but it puts an extra burden on access to the AOT heap. Specifically, you can’t open up any (sub-)graph in the AOT heap for access until all classes mentioned in that heap (sub-)graph are at least starting their initialization.
> There’s a little more, in fact: If some class C is starting to init, but has not finished its init, then the access must be initially confined to the thread that is running C::<clinit>. This is the normal JVM rule (other threads block until C::<clinit> returns) and must be emulated by the AOT cache as well.
> (Background: The AOT cache has a heap segment defining one or more graphs of objects. An object graph has one or more roots. Such a graph is an “asset” in the AOT cache, that can be “adopted” into the running JVM as an interconnected set of Java objects. Multiple AOT graphs might appear if we have separately defined decisions to adopt them. Or, we might just say “take the whole graph or leave it”. For future work, it is somewhat clear we wish to allow Leyden-aware applications to layer AOT object graphs of their own on top of the java.base object graph or graphs. But we are not there yet; all of this is happening inside java.base. We must learn to walk before we can think about running.)
> Definition of “CLASS REACHABILITY”: If an object X is in the AOT heap, then a class C is said to be “reachable from X” if C is the class of X, or is a superclass or an implemented interface of X’s class. In addition, we say that C is “reachable from X” (in a recursive sense) if C is reachable from another object Y which is referenced by a non-static field of X, or another object Y which is referenced by a static field of a class S (already) reachable from X. This definition is simply a transitive closure of an appropriately defined graph, where instances X point to their classes C and their non-static field referents, and classes C point to their super-types D and their static field referents Y.
> With that definition under our belt, we can say that when an object X, originally in the AOT heap, becomes reachable to java.base code (in the normal GC sense, during JDK startup), then every class reachable from X must have an appropriate initialization state. The definition of “appropriate” here is tricky.
> Note that we can calculate this class-reachability statically. So, when it helps, we can make lists of classes C reachable from some AOT heap root X. Or we can take the union of all such lists, reachable from the whole AOT heap.
> So what is the most useful definition of an “appropriate initialization state” of classes which become reachable as a result of adopting AOT heap objects?
> For maximum compatibility with existing Java practice, we would say that the initialization state must be either DONE or else it is STARTED, and the access to the AOT heap object is in the same thread that is running the clinit method.
> I suggest that we might want to simplify this rule. It would be nicer (for us, not for JDK programmers) if an AOT heap object X was adopted only after all reachable classes C (reachable from X) were in the DONE state. Maybe with one exception: If some reachable class C (from X) is in the STARTED state, then C is that unique class whose <clinit> method is the youngest <clinit> method on the current thread. This exception allows the <clinit> method for MethodType to adopt some AOT asset in the AOT heap which contains a zillion MethodType objects, but nothing else that is not fully initialized.
> There are immediate objections to such a simplification, but I think they can be overcome, and I suspect the end state will be better for all of us. The MethodType class recursively initializes the MethodHandle class, so that it can build an invoker cache (via some intermediate non-public class). So you need MH.class initialized to make MHs for MT, and that happens during MT’s clinit, and there is a dependency loop, aka “chicken and egg” problem. If we want to experiment with simplified initialization conditions, we will have to break such loops. It is possible, and may even be profitable for us. In the end, simpler initialization sequences will be easier to optimize and cache.
>> So how do we meet this requirement?
>> *(B) Existing Solution in JDK Mainline*
>> In the current JDK mainline, cached objects are "loaded" into a Java program via explicit CDS.initializeFromArchive() calls. See [3] for an example in java/lang/Integer$IntegerCache
>> class IntegerCache {
>> ...
>> // at this point, IntegerCache::archivedCache is null
>> CDS.initializeFromArchive(IntegerCache.class);
>> // at this point, IntegerCache::archivedCache is loaded from the AOT cache
> The field IntegerCache.archivedCache (N.B. the :: syntax is only for methods, not fields) is a root which points into the AOT heap graph. Very cool! This does not violate the Java language rules, as long as the strange object graph is indistinguishable from an object graph which might have been created according to the usual rules of computation, from the context of the clinit method of the relevant class (IntegerCache). In fact, when booting an exploded build there is no AOT cache at all, and the necessary integer cache is built “the hard way” and stored into a variable that CDS knows about. This handshake (by which the cache built the hard way is converted into an AOT asset, and then adopted into a production run) will get more and more regular over time, we think.
>> As part of the CDS.initializeFromArchive() call, the classes of all objects that are reachable from archivedCache are initialized.
> (I am assuming that “classes of all objects reachable” is closely aligned with my definition above, of class reachability!)
> Ioi: Please explain in a bit more detail why this is true. What part of the JVM (or JDK) grabs all the reachable classes and forcibly initializes them? Or, more subtly, why are we so very lucky that, by the time we can grab a pointer to that archived heap subgraph, somehow magically the classes are already initialized?
> (And are they really in the DONE init state, or might they be in the STARTED state in the current thread?)
In the AOT cache, there's a data structure that remembers the list of
classes that are printed by the "IntegerCache ( 1) => java.lang.Integer"
logs below. When CDS.initializeFromArchive() is called to fetch
IntegerCache::archivedCache, it will finish initializing that list of
classes before returning control back to the Java code.
>> You can see this list classes by:
>> $ java -Xshare:dump -Xlog:cds+heap | grep IntegerCache
>> [...]
>> [1.063s][info][cds,heap] Archived object klass java.lang.Integer$IntegerCache ( 0) => [Ljava.lang.Integer;
>> [1.063s][info][cds,heap] Archived object klass java.lang.Integer$IntegerCache ( 1) => java.lang.Integer
>> All classes listed above will be initialized before archivedCache becomes non-null.
> This is the crucial property to engineer into our system!
>> *(C) New Challenges with java.lang.invoke*
>> In JEP 483, in order to support AOT-linking of invokedynamic, we run into a few issues.
>> #1. We can no longer use the CDS.initializeFromArchive() design due to a circular dependency between MethodType and DirectMethodHandle [4] [5].
> Maybe we can find a solution here which embraces the circularity, by making the whole bundle of mutually-recursive classes be AOT-initialized. So it doesn’t matter what order they are initialized, for the very special reason that the initialization takes place “as if instantaneously”.
> Maybe in this case, or in future similar cases, we will need to break the circularity. If that is the case, then something like this will happen: First MethodType gets fully initialized, and during that process NO INSTANTIATION of MethodHandles is performed. (How draconian!) Later, MethodHandle is fully initialized and all its code enjoys the full initialization of MethodType. For the class MethodHandle, there might be hundreds or thousands of AOT heap objects that are method handles, containing pointers to AOT method type objects.
> The present problem is that a MethodType has a cached struct (or array) of invokers, and each invoker is a MH, and each MH has a MT. That is a circularity. Can it be broken? Yes, by changes to JDK code. I suspect this is in our future, although at present I hope we can get away with the trick (mentioned above) of simultaneous initialization (of MT and MH at the same time, also entangled classes like DMH).
>> #2. Some cached objects in java.lang.invoke may point to static fields whose identity is significant. A simplified example looks like this:
>> class A {
>> static final Object x = new Object();
>> }
>> class B {
>> Object y = A.x;
>> boolean isValid() { return y == A.x; }
>> }
>> B cachedB = new B(); /* executed during assembly phase */
>> If we store cachedB into the AOT cache, we will recursively store the cachedB.y field, which points to the version of A.x during the assembly phase. During the production run, if we allow A.<clinit> to be executed again, cacheB.isValid() will return false because cachedB.y is now a different instance than A.x.
>> In fact, #2 is not a new problem. There's already a debugging class - CDSHeapVerifier - that checks for potential errors [6]
> We need rules for object identities as well. I see two of them. First, if an object X is known to be private, and all the private code that works on it does not inspect its identity (via X==Y or System::identityHashCode(X)) we can certify that there is no danger. Second, if X is public or escapes in some way to “random” user code (that might do X==Y etc.) then we must ensure that, IF the AOT heap graph including X is adopted, THEN all environmental queries have been respected, and there will never be a reason to un-adopt X.
>> *(D) Solution in JEP 483*
>> In JEP 483, the solution is "AOT-initialized classes". For the above example, we store class A in the AOT cache in the "initialized" state. During the production run, A.<clinit> is no longer executed, and A.x maintains its value as in the assembly phase.
> Definition: An “AOT initialized class” is one whose Class object exists in the AOT heap graph, and that object is populated with the initial values of all static fields of that class.
> Definition: A post-AOT initialized class is any class that is not AOT-initialized (in some Leyden AOT cache configuration). Post-AOT initialized classes can be further split into “startup initialized” classes (whose clinit methods the JVM runs directly in the premain phase) and “JIT initialized” classes (whose clinit methods are run at the last possible moment).
> Definition: A “premain initialized” class is either AOT initialized, or else startup initialized, but not JIT initialized. Recall that “premain” is the bootstrapping phase before the application main is invoked. The init actions that happen during premain might be AOT actions (which seem to happen immediately) or startup actions (slower but hopefully still very fast).
> When we can do this AOT initialization optimization for some class C, it is very powerful. It allows us to include AOT graph objects at will, from which C is reachable, and not worry about the timing of their adoption. It is as if all such C were initialized very, very quickly, at JVM startup, before any other action happens.
>> The process of finding all the "AOT-initialized classes" needed by JEP 483:
>> - Perform a training run with an application that uses many lambda expressions
>> - Create an AOT cache using data from this training run. Look for warnings produced by CDSHeapVerifier:
>> Archive heap points to a static field that may be reinitialized at runtime:
> I have a problem with this formulation: We never set out to “reinitialize” any class, so “may be reinitialized” is a counter-factual statement. We only set out to AOT-initialize classes if the user’s observation of them sees the classes to be initialized exactly once, but very, very quickly.
> I would prefer to rephrase the error message (and underlying concept) as:
> “Archive heap points to a static field that requires post-AOT initialization”
> (or “startup initialization” or some such). Situations which tempt us to think of reinitialization are situations where we are creating bootstrapping bugs.
>> Field: java/lang/invoke/SimpleMethodHandle::BMH_SPECIES
>> Value: java.lang.invoke.BoundMethodHandle$SpeciesData
>> {0x000000060e8962f0} - klass: 'java/lang/invoke/BoundMethodHandle$SpeciesData' - flags:
>> [...]
>> --- trace begin ---
>> [ 0] {0x000000060f410170} [Ljava.lang.Object; @[238]
>> [ 1] {0x000000060f430520} java.lang.invoke.BoundMethodHandle$Species_L::type (offset = 16)
>> [ 2] {0x000000060e8ab130} java.lang.invoke.MethodType::form (offset = 20)
>> [ 3] {0x000000060e883b70} java.lang.invoke.MethodTypeForm::lambdaForms (offset = 28)
>> [ 4] {0x000000060e883b90} [Ljava.lang.Object; @[7]
>> [ 5] {0x000000060e89a428} java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm::names (offset = 32)
>> [ 6] {0x000000060e89a3b0} [Ljava.lang.invoke.LambdaForm$Name; @[0]
>> [ 7] {0x000000060e897fb8} java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm$Name::constraint (offset = 24)
>> [ 8] {0x000000060e896ab8} java.lang.invoke.BoundMethodHandle$SpeciesData::this$0 (offset = 40)
>> [ 9] {0x000000060e895aa0} java.lang.invoke.BoundMethodHandle$Specializer::topSpecies (offset = 44)
>> [10] {0x000000060e8962f0} java.lang.invoke.BoundMethodHandle$SpeciesData
>> --- trace end ---
>> In this example, we see a cached object (0x000000060e895aa0) points to {0x000000060e8962f0}, which is in the static field SimpleMethodHandle::BMH_SPECIES.
>> To get rid of this warning, we add SimpleMethodHandle to the list in AOTClassInitializer::can_archive_initialized_mirror [7]
>> - Create the AOT cache again. You may see new warnings because the mirror of SimpleMethodHandle may point to the static fields of other clases.
>> - Keep doing this until you can no longer see these warnings
> This is a good process. I think we want to build in enough bootstrap checking logic into the JVM so that a maintainer who breaks this discipline will hear about it quickly, without having to enable warnings and then sift through them.
> I am beginning to think that we should experiment with annotations on java.base classes that express our intention to AOT-initialize them, with VM checks (at least in debug builds) that ensure this is safe to do.
>> *(E) List of aot-initialized classes*
>> For a traning run like "javac", we can produce an AOT cache that contains the following 22 aot-initialized classes
>> java.lang.constant.ConstantDescs
>> java.lang.constant.DynamicConstantDesc
>> java.lang.Enum
>> java.lang.invoke.BoundMethodHandle
>> java.lang.invoke.BoundMethodHandle$Specializer
>> java.lang.invoke.BoundMethodHandle$Species_L
>> java.lang.invoke.BoundMethodHandle$Species_LL
>> java.lang.invoke.ClassSpecializer
>> java.lang.invoke.ClassSpecializer$1
>> java.lang.invoke.ClassSpecializer$Factory
>> java.lang.invoke.ClassSpecializer$SpeciesData
>> java.lang.invoke.DelegatingMethodHandle
>> java.lang.invoke.DirectMethodHandle
>> java.lang.invoke.DirectMethodHandle$Holder
>> java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm
>> java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm$NamedFunction
>> java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle
>> java.lang.invoke.MethodType$AOTHolder
>> java.lang.invoke.SimpleMethodHandle
>> java.lang.Object
>> jdk.internal.constant.PrimitiveClassDescImpl
>> jdk.internal.constant.ReferenceClassDescImpl
>> Plus the following 7 enum types that have customized <clinit> code
>> java.lang.constant.DirectMethodHandleDesc$Kind
>> java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm$BasicType
>> java.lang.invoke.VarHandle$AccessMode
>> java.lang.invoke.VarHandle$AccessType
>> java.lang.reflect.AccessFlag$Location
>> sun.invoke.util.Wrapper
>> *(F) List of Init-at-JVM-start classes*
>> During the production run, these classes are loaded into the VM in the "initialized" state. As a result, the static fields of these classes become reachable. We must initialize the classes of all objects that are reachable from these static fields. There are 24 such classes.
> I am not following here. If the class is in an initialized state, is there some process that happens later which runs the clinit again? (Is this the dreaded “reinitialization”?) If we allow this, it is technical debt, and we have to have a plan to eliminate it, lest it eventually become visible. (We can and must perform some kinds of non-standard actions to boot up the first few classes, but they need to be minimized.)
For an example like this:
/* @aot-initialized */ class A {
static final B b = new B();
A is AOT-initialized, but B is not. When class A is loaded into the JVM,
A.b becomes reachable from Java code. Therefore, we must initialize B,
which is reachable from A's mirror.
We are not "re-initializing B" in the sense that B's mirror already
contains some non-default values before B.<clinit> is executed. Instead,
when B.<clinit> is executed, B's static fields are all zeros and nulls.
>> java.lang.ArithmeticException
>> java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
>> java.lang.ArrayStoreException
>> java.lang.Class
>> java.lang.ClassCastException
>> java.lang.Double
>> java.lang.Float
>> java.lang.Integer
>> java.lang.InternalError
>> java.lang.NullPointerException
>> java.lang.invoke.BoundMethodHandle$Specializer$Factory
>> java.lang.invoke.BoundMethodHandle$SpeciesData
>> java.lang.invoke.DirectMethodHandle$Accessor
>> java.lang.invoke.DirectMethodHandle$Constructor
>> java.lang.invoke.Invokers
>> java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm$Name
>> java.lang.invoke.LambdaFormEditor$Transform
>> java.lang.invoke.MemberName
>> java.lang.invoke.MemberName$Factory
>> java.lang.invoke.MethodHandleImpl$IntrinsicMethodHandle
>> java.lang.invoke.MethodType
>> java.lang.invoke.MethodTypeForm
>> java.util.EnumMap
>> java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
>> (E.g., MethodType$AOTHolder contains a HashMap that stores many MethodTypes, so we must initialize the MethodType class. Note that HashMap is not in the list because it doesn't have a <clinit>. For clarify, I have omitted all classes that can be trivially initialized).
> The only thing that might stop us from AOT-initializing a class with no clinit would be a superclass (or interface) that has a clinit which is not AOT initializable.
> Connecting back to the reachability concept: As soon as some X in the AOT heap become reachable (in the normal GC sense), then all classes C reachable from X must be initialized (or perhaps “started” in the current thread). It would be best, of course, if those classes were all AOT initialized. If not, we need a story to ensure they are startup initialized (if not AOT initialized).
> I think this means that if some class C is AOT initialized, then its super S must also be AOT initialized, or else any access to an instance X which can reach C must be organized so that the startup initialization of S gets run first.
> I think our current state of the art is that we run such startup initializers ASAP, and test that there are no bugs. It would be good to have more accurate checks as well, if we can define them suitably.
>> (G) Testing and Validation
>> The output "Archive heap points to a static field that may be reinitialized" is checked by more than 300 CDS test cases [8]. This ensures that we have a correct list of AOT-initialized classes. This will also catch any future changes in the Java classes in java.lang.invoke that may be incompatible with JEP 483.
>> Also, since the (E) and (F) lists are small (about 50 classes), it's possible for a human to examine those classes to find potential problems
>> - For example, an AOT-initialized class shouldn't be dependent on the environment, such as storing the current time of day, etc.
> I agree that human examination is sufficient to start with, even to detect environmental dependencies. This is what we should ship with. But we should build better detection tools soon, so that routine enhancements don’t run afoul of those checks (the dreaded “reinitialization”).
>> *(H) Extensibility, or lack thereof*
>> This design limits future Leyden optimization as any significant increase of the list of classes in (E) and (F) will make human validation much more difficult. We should consider using automated validation tools, as well as refactoring the Java classes to make it easier to decide what classes can be AOT-initialized.
> Yes! Preach it!
> — John
>> =======
>> [1]
>> [2] Due to <clinit> circularity, it may be possible to created an instance of X before X::<clinit> finishes.
>> [3]
>> [4]
>> [5]
>> [6]
>> [7]
>> [8]
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