Optimal place for inserting calls to the VM from interpreted java methods

dean.long at oracle.com dean.long at oracle.com
Fri Oct 18 18:38:41 UTC 2024

Hi Mat.  It sounds like you could use multiple entry points based on 
MethodKind to accomplish this.  Add new entries to the MethodKind enum 
for the upcall versions.  Generate both the upcall and non-upcall entry 
points, and map to appropriate MethodKind values.  Then use your runtime 
pattern match to decide with MethodKind to use for each method in 
m <https://java.se.oracle.com/source/s?defs=m&project=jdk-cpu-git>).


On 10/9/24 6:42 PM, Mat Carter wrote:
> Is there a place to encode calls to the VM in the interpreted methods 
> other than the method prologs?
> I've recently discovered the interpreted method adaptors which seems 
> like a candidate, but there's
> no examples of the adaptors calling into the VM.
> Follows is the rational as to why I'm looking for an alternative to 
> the method prologs
> The AOTEndTrainingOnMethodEntry feature [1] introduces calls from java 
> methods into the
> VM (upcalls) when specific methods are entered. The methods are 
> identified via a pattern in a
> similar manner to the CompileOnly option.
> Following the initial PR review we’re looking at removing the 
> knowledge of this AOT feature from
> the compilers/interpreter and introducing a more generic system 
> (RuntimeUpcalls) that can be
> used by other parts of the VM [2].  In building out the RuntimeUpcalls 
> system we've come across
> an inefficiency that isn't an immediate problem for this feature, but 
> should another feature use this
> new system then it's less than optimal.
> Interpreted code uses a shared method prolog (there are 8 variants for 
> 'regular' methods [more
> for some special math/zip methods]), the AOTEndTrainingOnMethodEntry 
>  feature introduces a
> further 5 prolog types.  When there is a single upcall (eg. 
> AOTEndTrainingOnMethodEntry) to the VM
> everything is efficient.
> The inefficiency issue arises as soon as there are two or more 
> upcalls; which upcalls relate to
> which methods is contained within the RuntimeUpcalls system.  When the 
> interpreter examines
> the method flags they only indicate whether there are any upcalls (but 
> not how many or which ones).
> As the interpreter can't encode which upcalls should be called in the 
> prolog (without an explosion
> of new runtime generated prologs), it needs to call the RuntimeUpcalls 
> system which in turn iterates
> over the upcalls and calls the appropriate ones; the problem is that 
> during that iteration the methods
> need to be compared against the pattern.  So we either pay a memory 
> cost to cache the method to
> upcall relationships or we pay a performance cost to repeatedly test 
> the method against the pattern.
> This is not a problem for C1 and C2 as we pay this cost only when the 
> methods are compiled and
> create the multiple upcalls in those methods, eliminating the need for 
> pattern matching by the
> RuntimeUpcalls system during method execution
> Thanks in advance
> Mat
> [1] https://github.com/openjdk/leyden/pull/21
> [2] https://github.com/macarte/leyden/pull/2
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