Scoped variables

David Lloyd david.lloyd at
Mon Dec 17 20:16:01 UTC 2018

On Mon, Dec 17, 2018 at 2:00 PM Florian Weimer <fweimer at> wrote:
> * Doug Lea:
> > Yes. It will make the getProcessorId() method interesting to specify.
> > Probably Runtime.getAvailableProcessors() would also need some work.
> We already fake a processor count of two if we can't determine the real
> count, to prevent Hotspot from activating uniprocessor
> optimizations. 8-/

Maybe there needs to be a separate method on Runtime which yields the
maximum number of processors possible in the system/environment.  If
the maximum possible is 1, then the JVM wouldn't have to worry about a
sudden change from 1 to 2 online CPUs.


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