
Cristian Lorenzetto cristian.lorenzetto at
Sat Jun 23 08:00:17 UTC 2018

To integrate fibers in jdk it is very strategic for the java future(but
sincerely also in the present). Many important projects are lost by java
world for this reason. Golang is conquering always and always more space
and projects.

Another suggestion : Integrate fibers and do not change synchonized
instruction for handling/including  fiber synchonization is very big error.
Not only it is a conceptual error , but above all is a commercial and
strategic error.
If java doesn't handle synchonization in transparent way , this will limit
the fibers usage. Too many projects are now using the synchonized
instruction. To force to rewrite all projects because you wont adapt
synchonized block to use park function for fibers it is equivalent to not
use fibers in java.

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