slow performance of loom continuations

seth lytle seth.lytle at
Thu Oct 4 18:29:33 UTC 2018

> i'll try to download the latest loom tonight (i have limited bandwidth)

long overdue followup - finally remembered to download the latest
tip.tar.bz2 last night (ebaa9b6ab5fb)

for ii in {100..300..20}; do printf "N=%4d  " $ii; $loom/bin/java -cp .:$cp
Xorshift 200000 10 $ii | tail -n 1; done
N= 100  ==== kilim average : 933.72     nanos/op
N= 120  ==== kilim average : 1040.01    nanos/op
N= 140  ==== kilim average : 1193.13    nanos/op
N= 160  ==== kilim average : 1375.73    nanos/op
N= 180  ==== kilim average : 1508.22    nanos/op
N= 200  ==== kilim average : 1715.63    nanos/op
N= 220  ==== kilim average : 1955.03    nanos/op
N= 240  ==== kilim average : 2022.04    nanos/op
N= 260  ==== kilim average : 2145.09    nanos/op
N= 280  ==== kilim average : 2326.35    nanos/op
N= 300  ==== kilim average : 2551.17    nanos/op

for ii in {100..300..20}; do printf "N=%4d  " $ii; $loom/bin/java $loomargs
../ 200000 10 $ii | tail -n 1; done
N= 100  ==== loom average : 1426.19    nanos/op
N= 120  ==== loom average : 1441.29    nanos/op
N= 140  ==== loom average : 1452.80    nanos/op
N= 160  ==== loom average : 1469.27    nanos/op
N= 180  ==== loom average : 1453.50    nanos/op
N= 200  ==== loom average : 1442.56    nanos/op
N= 220  ==== loom average : 1480.15    nanos/op
N= 240  ==== loom average : 1464.65    nanos/op
N= 260  ==== loom average : 1961.71    nanos/op
N= 280  ==== loom average : 2152.45    nanos/op
N= 300  ==== loom average : 1938.06    nanos/op

echo $loomargs
-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+UseNewCode -XX:+UseNewCode2

both variants are running on the loom jvm. break even point is
approximately a stack depth of 170

On Tue, Sep 18, 2018 at 2:32 PM, seth lytle <seth.lytle at> wrote:

> Hi Hamlin,
> thanks for taking a look at this
> - kilim.Task is a higher level construct than kilim.Continuation that
> handles scheduling
> - kilim doesn't make any attempt to be clever so the kilim.Continuation
> overhead should grow linearly with stack depth
> - the number of continuations shouldn't affect kilim (this is it's primary
> use-case)
> - sorry for the build issues - the kilim/kilim github is quite out of date
> - kilim 2.0 is available in maven central as org.db4j:kilim:2.0.0-23 or at
> - i was a bit scared to run the N=10000 depth case !
> as expected, kilim scaled with stack depth. in ron's loom presentation, he
> discussed a stack barrier, which allows loom to copy only the bottom of the
> stack (i'm assuming this explains the constant scale). the concept could be
> applied to kilim as well and it's been discussed, but it's not a use-case
> that kilim is esp interested in (kilim is limited in terms of what code it
> can weave, ie only methods that declare to throw kilim.Pausable, so that
> rules out any code that's not written specifically for kilim, so eg to
> integrate it with spring, you'd use the spring async api instead of
> attempting to weave spring)
> stack depth:
> N=   0  ==== kilim average : 71.80      nanos/op
> N=   1  ==== kilim average : 85.03      nanos/op
> N=  10  ==== kilim average : 167.63     nanos/op
> N= 100  ==== kilim average : 1193.66    nanos/op
> N= 500  ==== kilim average : 6359.27    nanos/op
> N=1000  ==== kilim average : 10047.60   nanos/op
> N=3000  ==== kilim average : 33714.19   nanos/op
> N=5000  ==== kilim average : 57494.85   nanos/op
> N=10000 ==== java.lang.StackOverflowError
> number of continuations:
> N=   1  ==== kilim average : 71.80      nanos/op
> N=  10  ==== kilim average : 75.97      nanos/op
> N=  20  ==== kilim average : 84.31      nanos/op
> N=  30  ==== kilim average : 71.78      nanos/op
> N=  50  ==== kilim average : 74.97      nanos/op
> N= 100  ==== kilim average : 72.62      nanos/op
> N= 110  ==== kilim average : 74.05      nanos/op
> N= 120  ==== kilim average : 76.38      nanos/op
> N= 125  ==== kilim average : 75.01      nanos/op
> N= 128  ==== kilim average : 79.61      nanos/op
> N= 130  ==== kilim average : 75.09      nanos/op
> N= 500  ==== kilim average : 77.71      nanos/op
> N=1000  ==== kilim average : 75.08      nanos/op
> N=10000  ==== kilim average : 77.39      nanos/op
> N=100000  ==== kilim average : 80.73      nanos/op
> i'll try to download the latest loom tonight (i have limited bandwidth)
> i'm not sure that there's much to benefit by comparing kilim and loom in
> general - kilim is very limited in what code it can weave, and loom aspires
> to run almost everything. so the use-cases are quite different. but if any
> of this helps identify bottlenecks, then it's time well spent
> source code is attached (the changes are minor)
> On Tue, Sep 18, 2018 at 1:17 AM, Hamlin Li < at> wrote:
>> Hi Seth,
>> Thank you for comparing continuation performance between kilim and loom.
>> After I spent some time to study the continuation(called Task?)
>> implementation in kilim, I'm interested in another 2 performance data for
>> kilim/loom continuation.
>> 1. when continuation stack depth grows, what's the performance?
>> 2. when continuation number grows, what's the performance?
>> I refactored your code a little to get above performance data for loom.
>> (code is attached at the bottom)
>> following is data with continuation stack depth N changing from 1 to
>> 10,000 and only 1 continuation in total:
>> (command to run: java -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+UseNewCode
>> -XX:+UseNewCode2 -XX:+UseNewCode3 Xorshift 200000 10 N)
>> continuation stack depth: 1,     perf: 1610.26 nanos/op
>> continuation stack depth: 10,    perf: 1607.82 nanos/op
>> continuation stack depth: 100,   perf: 1566.41 nanos/op
>> continuation stack depth: *500*,   perf: *2179.94* nanos/op
>> continuation stack depth: *1000*,  perf: *2145.76* nanos/op
>> continuation stack depth: *3000*,  perf: *2105.57* nanos/op
>> continuation stack depth: 5000,  perf: 1517.82 nanos/op
>> continuation stack depth: 10000, perf: 1673.76 nanos/op
>> following is data with continuation number N changing from 1 to 100,000
>> and continuation stack depth only 1 for every continuation:
>> (command to run: java -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+UseNewCode
>> -XX:+UseNewCode2 -XX:+UseNewCode3 Xorshift 200000 10 1 N)
>> continuation number: 1,      perf: 1514.10 nanos/op
>> continuation number: 10,     perf: 1936.75 nanos/op
>> continuation number: 30,     perf: 2455.95 nanos/op
>> continuation number: *50*,     perf: *3214.05* nanos/op
>> continuation number: *100*,    perf: *4241.50* nanos/op
>> continuation number: *110*,    perf: *3969.00* nanos/op
>> continuation number: *120*,    perf: *4822.41* nanos/op
>> continuation number: *125*,    perf: *5080.64* nanos/op
>> continuation number: *128*,    perf: *7963.00* nanos/op
>> continuation number: 130,    perf: 1907.96 nanos/op
>> continuation number: 500,    perf: 1854.22 nanos/op
>> continuation number: 1000,   perf: 1844.98 nanos/op
>> continuation number: 10000,  perf: 2064.03 nanos/op
>> continuation number: 100000, perf: 2156.77 nanos/op
>> Above data for loom shows that although base is quite high(more than 1000
>> nanos/op with 1 continuation and stack depth 1), when stack depth or
>> continuation number grows, time/op grows very very slowly and it even
>> reduces when continuation number and stack depth keep growing(I'm not sure
>> what's the cause).
>> I'm interested in the data for kilim, I tried to get it myself, but I
>> failed to build kilim myself, would you mind to help to get the similar
>> data for kilim?
>> With this data, we can compare kilim with loom more comprehensively, and
>> it might help to find out the performance bottleneck and improve the loom's
>> continuation performance in the future too.
>> Thank you
>> -Hamlin
>> ==================================================================
>> public class Xorshift {
>>     static final ContinuationScope SCOPE = new ContinuationScope() {};
>>     Continuation ctus[];
>>     long result;
>>     int depth;
>>     boolean debug;
>>     int ctuNum;
>>     double sum;
>>     long times;
>>     void average() {
>>         System.out.format("==== loom average : %-10.2f nanos/op%n",
>> sum/times);
>>     }
>>     Xorshift(int depth, int ctuNum, boolean debug) {
>>         this.depth = depth;
>>         this.ctuNum = ctuNum;
>>         this.debug = debug;
>>         ctus = new Continuation[ctuNum];
>>         for (int i = 0; i < ctuNum; i++) {
>>             ctus[i] = new Continuation(SCOPE, this::recursiveCall);
>>         }
>>     }
>>     void warmup(long num) {
>>         long warmup = 5000000000L;
>>         final long start = System.nanoTime();
>>         long dummy = 0;
>>         while (System.nanoTime() - start < warmup)
>>             dummy = dummy ^ loop(num);
>>         System.out.println("warmup: " + dummy);
>>     }
>>     void cycle(long num) {
>>         final long start = System.nanoTime();
>>         long val = loop(num);
>>         long duration = System.nanoTime() - start;
>>         double tmp = 1.0*duration/num;
>>         sum += tmp;
>>         times++;
>>         System.out.format("loom : %-10.2f nanos/op, %30d\n", tmp, val);
>>     }
>>     public long loop(long num) {
>>         long val = 0;
>>         for (int ii=0; ii < num; ii++) {
>>             ctus[ii%ctuNum].run();
>>             val = val ^ result;
>>         }
>>         return val;
>>     }
>>     void recursiveCall() {
>>         //System.out.println("initial d: " + depth);
>>         recursiveCall(depth);
>>     }
>>     void recursiveCall(int d) {
>>         //System.out.println("d: " + d);
>>         while(d > 0) {
>>             recursiveCall(--d);
>>         }
>>         execute();
>>     }
>>     public void execute() {
>>         if (debug) {
>>             new Throwable().printStackTrace();
>>         }
>>         long x, y, s0=103, s1=17;
>>         while (true) {
>>             x = s0;
>>             y = s1;
>>             s0 = y;
>>             x ^= (x << 23);
>>             s1 = x ^ y ^ (x >> 17) ^ (y >> 26);
>>             result = (s1 + y);
>>             Continuation.yield(SCOPE);
>>         }
>>     }
>>     public static void main(String[] args) {
>>         long cycles = 200000;
>>         int reps = 10;
>>         int depth = 0;
>>         boolean debug = false;
>>         int ctuNum = 1;
>>         try { cycles = Long.parseLong(args[0]); } catch (Exception ex) {}
>>         try { reps = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); } catch (Exception ex) {}
>>         try { depth = Integer.parseInt(args[2]); } catch (Exception ex) {}
>>         try { ctuNum = Integer.parseInt(args[3]); } catch (Exception ex)
>> {}
>>         try { debug = Boolean.parseBoolean(args[4]); } catch (Exception
>> ex) {}
>>         if (args.length == 0) {
>>             System.out.println("args: number of cycles, number of
>> repeats, depth of recursive calls, continuation number, debug");
>>             System.out.format("\t no args provided using defaults: %d %d
>> %d %d %b\n",cycles, reps, depth, ctuNum, debug);
>>         } else {
>>             System.out.format("\t cycle: %d, reps: %d, depth: %d, ctuNum:
>> %d, debug: %b\n",cycles, reps, depth, ctuNum, debug);
>>         }
>>         new Xorshift(depth, ctuNum, debug).warmup(cycles);
>>         Xorshift xor = new Xorshift(depth, ctuNum, debug);
>>         for (int jj=0; jj < reps; jj++) {
>>             //Xorshift xor = new Xorshift(depth, ctuNum, debug);
>>             xor.cycle(cycles);
>>         }
>>         xor.average();
>>     }
>> }
>> On 2018/9/7 12:47 PM, seth lytle wrote:
>> i ported a Xorshift implementation from kilim to project loom using the
>> prototype that was announced in august. the Continuation apis are similar -
>> the only changes are instead of run()
>> and Continuation.yield(SCOPE) instead of kilim.Fiber.yield(), and the code
>> runs and produces the same answers. however, performance with loom is on
>> the order of 500x slower. i tried both f46dc5c01b7d (2% faster) and
>> 544bfe4ccd84
>> kilim: 32.30      nanos/op,           -4971871656801550503
>> kilim: 36.99      nanos/op,            2357119851256129241
>> kilim: 32.60      nanos/op,            8340372355868382387
>> loom : 18303.18   nanos/op,           -4971871656801550503
>> loom : 18107.61   nanos/op,            2357119851256129241
>> loom : 18184.15   nanos/op,            8340372355868382387
>> with -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseNewCode
>> loom : 2072.82    nanos/op,           -4971871656801550503
>> loom : 1879.37    nanos/op,            2357119851256129241
>> loom : 1841.58    nanos/op,            8340372355868382387
>> am i using the api correctly ? i do use exceptions in other continuations,
>> so UseNewCode isn't really an option for me
>> i realize that this is an early prototype. do you have any idea what
>> performance you're ultimately shooting for for this sort of loop ?
>> is there a tradeoff between performance in these simple cases and being
>> able to weave "most" production code ?
>> here's the full example:
>> public class Xorshift {
>>     static final ContinuationScope SCOPE = new ContinuationScope() {};
>>     Continuation ctu = new Continuation(SCOPE,this::execute);
>>     long result;
>>     void warmup(long num) {
>>         long warmup = 5000000000L;
>>         final long start = System.nanoTime();
>>         long dummy = 0;
>>         while (System.nanoTime() - start < warmup)
>>             dummy = dummy ^ loop(num);
>>         System.out.println("warmup: " + dummy);
>>     }
>>     void cycle(long num) {
>>         final long start = System.nanoTime();
>>         long val = loop(num);
>>         long duration = System.nanoTime() - start;
>>         System.out.format("loom : %-10.2f nanos/op, %30d\n",
>> 1.0*duration/num, val);
>>     }
>>     public long loop(long num) {
>>         long val = 0;
>>         for (int ii=0; ii < num; ii++) {
>>   ;
>>             val = val ^ result;
>>         }
>>         return val;
>>     }
>>     public void execute() {
>>         long x, y, s0=103, s1=17;
>>         while (true) {
>>             x = s0;
>>             y = s1;
>>             s0 = y;
>>             x ^= (x << 23);
>>             s1 = x ^ y ^ (x >> 17) ^ (y >> 26);
>>             result = (s1 + y);
>>             Continuation.yield(SCOPE);
>>         }
>>     }
>>     public static void main(String[] args) {
>>         long cycles = 200000;
>>         int reps = 10;
>>         if (args.length == 0) {
>>             System.out.println("args: number of cycles, number of repeats");
>>             System.out.format("\t no args provided using defaults: %d
>> %d\n",cycles,reps);
>>         }
>>         try { cycles = Long.parseLong(args[0]); } catch (Exception ex) {}
>>         try { reps = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); } catch (Exception ex) {}
>>         new Xorshift().warmup(cycles);
>>         Xorshift xor = new Xorshift();
>>         for (int jj=0; jj < reps; jj++)
>>             xor.cycle(cycles);
>>     }
>> }

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